These pictures are of me waiting at the Military Air Terminal in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. As  I recall, it took 3-5 days to get out of the country and I got pretty tan sleeping outdoors at the terminal with all 5 of my large "B" bags full of chemical gear that I had to haul all the way back to Nashville, plus the flak vest and related items. I had a chance to pose with the Saudi guards there on base before we left. I snapped these pictures right before I knew we were leaving.
Finally a chartered commercial World Trans Air pulled in, we boarded eagarly once we knew it was for real and not a mirage. We stopped over in Cairo, then onto Shannon, Ireland on Saint Patricks Day 1991, then we proceded onto Bangor, Maine where we had a band waiting for us at 6AM in the morning.  
Me and another anxious member of the 1611 on the plane ready to get back home to the USA.
 I was holding my breath as I thought we were about to be searched by the customs crew but instead met by this wonderful group of people to welcome us home. One couple called my wife Roxane to let her know I was in the States safely and that I was on my way home. After a long layover in Charleston, SC, I finally boarded a chartered American Airlines aircraft, rode in First Class, and after much anticipation arrived in Nashville, TN where Mom, Dad, Roxane and Jim were waiting to pick me up!
My dear wife Roxane met me at the Airport in Nashville to welcome me home.
As you could probably tell by looking at me, I was pretty tired by the time I got back home that night. Between the long flight, going back in time over 12 hours and the excitement of going home, I was worn out......and I must have slept for a day. It was good to be back home!!
The family took me out to eat the night I came home, still had my uniform on.
Yellow ribbons awaiting returning members of the 118 AES in Nashville
American Flag at Mom and Dad's house 1991