-Enya- Spiritualist of Britannia Dreams
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Dreams may seem to be a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep, but they are actually much more. Dreams are usually messages from the subconscious; they can express what is happening in the physical body before we are aware of it, balance the physiological and psychological activities in us, be an enormous source of insight and information, express human supersenses, solve problems, and reach beyond the known world. Being able to understand what our dreams are telling us can give us insight into the known and unknown, spiritually reaching past conscious thought.

Dream Interpretation

Many spiritualists believe that our spirit leaves our body during our sleep, and while on its astral journeys sends messages back to us in its own language-- symbols. These symbols can usually mean many different things to us. One meaning may be a general meaning for most people, another on a personal level, another on a spiritual level, and some being omens of different things that may happen to us in the near future. Dreams can be showing us the past, dealing with the present, or expanding into our future, so it is always a good idea to try to remember your dreams and interpret their meanings.

Even though we may not remember, we dream every night as our spirit leaves our body. Sometimes we can remember our dreams very clearly, other times vaguely, and sometimes not at all, but they are still present. Although all dreams we have contain important information to us, the ones we remember usually have great significance at the time. We need to take these dreams and interpret them all all the different interpretation levels to understand the message they are trying to get across.

The first interpretation step is looking at the symbols of the dream, and then finding the omens associated with them. There are many different dictionaries to dreams today that can tell us the omens connected with the symbols of our dreams. Take the example of dreaming of a swamp; the omen connected to the swamp is to not stretch your credit or breaking off a hazardous relationship.

The second thing to do when interpreting is looking at the emotional meanings of the symbols. These are usually common emotional meanings that each human person shares when dreaming of certain symbols. Dictionaries that focus on this aspect of dream interpretation can also be found commonly today. Take the same example, dreaming of a swamp. This shows that feelings which undermine confidence and well being are currently effecting you, possibly with a relationship such as a mother. The emotional meanings usually mean a lot more to us than the common omens.

Another way to interpret dreams is to look at it on a personal level. What actions and feelings were strongest to you? What stood out in the dream? How could the meanings of these symbols relate to you as an individual? A good example of interpreting on a personal level can be found in a dream I had. Once, long ago, I dreamed of going to this strange place that locked up animals that were no longer wanted, where they lived in cages until their death. They would be put in the cage with a collar around their neck, and a chain connected to the collar and the side of the cage. If the animal could no longer stand the captivity, it would choke itself on the chained collar. I remember taking a baby rabbit to this place, and leaving it there. Then a long time later, I dream again of this same place, and I go to see that baby rabbit. When I went to it, it was trying to kill itself on the chain. I couldn't stand watching it any longer, and reached down and broke the chain. The first thing I did when interpreting this dream was find the emotional symbol of the rabbit, which is sexuality. Rabbits also are considered sacrificial in dreams. When I looked at this on a personal level, thinking about myself and what I know about me, I was able to understand the meaning of the dream. I had sacrificed my sexual desires, and now was ready to free them. Looking at dreams on this level is the most important to finding their true meanings.

Dreams also have spiritual meanings, although they are very hard to determine. Since dreams come from our subconscious, from the journey of our spirit, many of them have ties to past lives, people we have relationships with through reincarnation, and karmic messages, as well as information about our future or advice to help our present. Usually the best way to find these meanings is to try regressing past lives, and seeing if the dreams have any connections. Usually after regressing a past life, you will notice that you start to have frequent dreams, and it is usually an indication that they are tied to the life you regressed. You can also try to find the spiritual meanings of dreams through tarot card divination, and deep meditations.

When putting all these tactics together, we can usually get great insight and information from these subconscious messages. They create our identities, tell us important information about our past, present, and future, and serve many other spiritual purposes that man is yet to discover. If you would like help interpreting a dream, then please contact me by letter or with pidgeon number 78154277.


Corbett, Tom and Robinson, Lady Stern. The Dreamer's Dictionary. New York, NY: Warner Books, Inc., 1974.

Crisp, Tony. Dream Dictionary. New York, NY: Dell Publishing, 1990.

Other Sites:

Guide to Dreams
The Dream Emporium
Dream Lover, Inc.