Spiderman's "Good" Friends

(They can't stop hating him ....)

Here comes the Rogues' Gallery:

Andy C.
This guy really knows how to make your life miserable - he's trained to trip you up through the contracts he prepares, and then sue your butt off.

Ronnie C.
He's the one you have to watch out for: your bank accounts, mortgages, personal loans, etc. - no aspect of your personal finances escapes his scrutiny.

Chris L.
You better stay away from this terrible monster, for if he goes mad, your pension funds, life insurance plans, mutual funds and so on, will all go down the drain.

Edwin L.
Well, if your house collapses, your office tower topples over, the bridge you're driving on breaks apart, and so on, blame him.

Francis M.
This chap, despite his more benign looks, is actually a mightier version of Ronnie C. Not only can he ruin your personal finances, he can also bring down your business. Literally.

Vincent Y.
This merchant banker is what makes Andy C. and his likes tremble. He'd pore over all the contracts they prepare, and pick out the typos here and there.


Thomas N.
As a tax auditor, this creature here is verily THE most horrible of all in this gallery.

I am so kind, I won't include the ladies into this page ... they just don't belong to this category, you see.

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