But what would a page of the heroic people in this world be without a moment to recognize those who, in their own way, have personified evil, greed, boredom and silliness! So, a round of boos for my gallery of villains:

The murderous former dictator of Nigeria, died of a "heart attack" at the age of 54 on June 8, 1998.

And one of the great villains of the 20th century, Augusto Pinochet, finally being brought to justice in Chile.

And, not to be outdone, the country that brought us Adolf Hitler, a public that eagerly greeted the German armies during the Second World War, and supplied some of the most sadistic concentration camp guards now brings us the "new" brand of fascist Joerg Haider.... what say we BOYCOTT AUSTRIA!



Joseph McCarthy and Roy Cohn
It was not the first time in history that the confusions of honest people were picked up in space by chep baddies who, hearing a few bars of popular notes, made them into an opera of public disorder, staged and sung, as much of the congressional testimony shows, into the wards of an insane asylum. --- Scoundrel Time, Lillian Hellman