Somewhere in Paris

A couple of  martinis later, Jurgen and Trish were sailing down the Seine aboard the Bateau Mouche.  

Trish listened as Jurgen described his motivation for Captain Kirk in House of the Dead.  She thought he  looked fantastic in his tuxedo and with her red Givanchy, they made quite a couple.  The others would be green with envy when they found out he was spending Valentine’s Day with her.

“I’ll be right back,” Jurgen said as he excused himself.  Jurgen adjusted his watch. He had plenty of Thyme left….

Trish went to the side of the boat. It wasn't long before she she started humming a familiar Russian folk song  -- And then realized she was hearing that familiar folk song. 

She grabbed the spotlight on the bow of the boat and pointed it up on the overpass.  There, before her eyes, were twenty-six Russian sailors singing at the top of their lungs.   It went something like this:

When I was a lad in a fishing town
  My old man said to me:
"You can spend your life, your jolly life
  Sailing on the sea.
You can search the world for pretty girls
  Til your eyes grow weak and dim,
But don't go fishing for a mermaid, son
  If you don't know how to swim"

    'Cause her hair was green as seaweed
    Her skin was blue and pale
    I loved that girl with all my heart
    I only liked the upper part
    I did not like the tail

She ordered the Bateau Mouche to stop and take on a few more passengers (twenty-six to be exact).