Notes V


Organized religion is an attempt by the human race (through baptism in the christian faiths, for instance) to instill an honorable, acceptable and intellectual moral fiber in the species. No problem, so far. As part of a natural instinct for self-preservation, however, and in spite of individual tendencies toward personal choice, organized religions of each type (christian, jewish, islamic, buddhist, hindustani, etc., etc., etc.) wish to capture their victims when those victims are most vulnerable, physically and mentally...i.e. the very young; those who, it is hoped, will be baptized and brought up (brainwashed) into this given religion or denomination before they are old enough to protest or resist, and (again, it is hoped) will stay within this religion thus perpetuating what amounts to an historical fraud along with the conflicting and, in many cases, dangerous ideals and philosophies consistent with religious propaganda. This naturally leads to fatter collection plates and tithes. Let's face facts, a large part of religion, in the West anyhow, is a celebration of the almighty dollar. Holidays, religious and otherwise are, in the U.S.A. at least, seemingly more a reflection of what Corporate America wants us to buy at a particular point during the year rather than a celebration of whatever event a holiday was begun for. The only legitimate holiday I can believe in is Labor Day. But I'll take the (dwindling) days off work for any holiday (religious or otherwise)...not to celebrate them, but to catch up on my life's tasks; house and yard work, playing ball, visiting family and friends, watching T.V. and writing things like this.

Paying for ignorance is an eminently secular and human condition, which leaves me with the oft-mentioned conclusion that religion is a mortal and human conception. For instance, I am ignorant of ninety percent of the workings of the average $2000 home computer, therefore, I am paying an extra $1800 for ignorance. The average buyer of a used or new auto is paying for his or her ignorance of the actual cost to the seller of that same auto.

Ignorance is bliss... and it'll cost you. Your basic religious dogma, especially christianity, will pat you on the back with one hand while it steals your wallet with the other, all with a pleasant smile. Rejection of organized religion in favor of realizing your conscience is one small step toward the relief of ignorance.

Consider: as you sit in the "hushed reverence" of your "house of worship", as you feel the "peace", "contentment" and "love" in contemplating whatever deity was forced upon you since childhood; as you kneel in repetitive and needless prayer and supplication; as you sing hymns and carols and chant rote pleas and await nuptials or funerals or Easter "miracles" or Christmas joy (ignoring, if you can, the fact that all those other hypocrites around you would cheerfully knife you in the back if it meant an iota of personal gain); history has revealed one hard and fast fact: no matter the religion or denomination, nor its faceless and anachronistic deities, every cathedral, church, temple, mosque and synagogue; every alter, shrine, icon, ceremony and sacrament is tainted with the blood of innocents and purchased with the coin of ignorance.

Go to Next article: Logic + Realism = Spirituality

Opening Statement

The Manifesto

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

Note 4

Logic + Realism = Spirituality


My Opinion

A Philosophical Exercise

A Philosophical Exercise, Part II


My Own History



Is This What It's All About??!


The Soul

Points To Ponder


News and Comments

Page written by: Eric D. Tallberg

Page Created by Eric J. Tallberg

October, 1998