
(My Non-humanist Side Rears It's Ugly Head)

As I've mentioned earlier, I believe absolutely that the human species is the result of a random/accidental genetic mutation among an ancient pack of chimpanzees. And science seems more and more to agree with this theory, beginning with Charles Darwin over 100 years ago and continuing into the present with recent news of intelligence and awareness not previously realized in animals.

Humanity seems to have, as a result of this mutation, arrogantly appointed itself the final step in the process of natural evolution due to its capacity to intellectually justify (intellectualize) its own existence.

Thus mankind has intellectualized itself into:





Greed (corporate and otherwise)


Planetary degeneration (eco-disaster)



And the ultimate folly and futility: Religion (i.e. the notion of an otherworldly "supreme intelligence")

I do believe, however, that with the publication and public recognition of Darwin's "On The Origin Of Species", mankind has taken a giant stride toward rejecting much of the religious propaganda prevalent in Mr. Darwin's day, finally beginning to glimpse the futility of such tedious drivel. There is still a lot of self-recognition to be done before the spirituality of reason and common sense replaces the anachronistic and mystical "spirituality" dictated by organized religion but Darwin's work has made nearly all of the fairy-tale mysticism of transcendental, organized religion more accountable to the decreasing numbers of faithful.

For now, we "enlightened masses" continue to deny our intellect and naively pray to our self-generated "gods" and "saviors" that they "have mercy" on us and get us out of the myriad of messes we've created for ourselves due to our arrogantly misappropriated and misused intellect.

The vast majority of the human race seems pretty proud of itself and its accomplishments. This pride, however, seems to me to be basically unjustified since this is the species which, in the few hundred thousand years since its genesis, has ruined untold millions and billions of years of evolution and natural development of the earth. This few hundred thousand years of humankind's arrogance, greed and ignorance threatens not only the planet, but also its own existence. I'm no tree-hugger, but I do realize that the human intellect seems more bent on self-destruction than self-perpetuation. The question is, does this mean the intellect which we so revere is basically flawed? Yet how is that possible in a species "made in god's image"? Or is mankind, indeed, simply the result of a disastrous mutation of the African ape? Seems to me that if there ever could have been any kind of conflict between "god" and the "devil", "god" would have long ago lost the battle for any mortal soul.

For all those out there who are so confident in the "triumph of the human spirit", in the misguided belief that our species is worthy of the "love of god" (or "christ", or any other generic deity), I have one (lengthy and, admittedly cynical) question: throughout human history, for every Socrates, Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain and Charles Darwin, there are a thousand Attilas, Benedict Arnolds, Adolf Hitlers, Joseph Stalins and Bill Clintons; for each of the Seven Wonders of the World, there are approximately four thousand nuclear warheads; for every shipment of polio vaccine, there are twelve or thirteen containers of weapons-grade chemical agents; for every single public library full of facts, enlightenment and entertainment, there are at least four churches or temples with their attendant quota of propaganda, myth and superstition. Are these facts really a "triumph" for mankind...or its death knell? The significance, meaning, impact and positive influence of humanity in and on the chaos which is existence and the Universe is about the same as that of an anthill.

Our influences, significance, purpose and impact on this planet in general and on life in particular has historically been essentially and perpetually negative...humankind is, basically, an infestation. Could that have been what your alleged deities had in mind with "creation?" This destructive tendency in humanity is realized through the misuse of the very science that is often demonized by theists thus creating a philosophical problem for us non-theists. Scientific theorems and procedures that lead to knowledge and a reasonable outlook on a question are fine. It seems, however, to be the irrational implementation of the results of scientific inquiry by all of us that does the damage to our world and, therefore, to ourselves. We are all, theists and non-theists alike, guilty of some sort of mishandling of scientific knowledge and achievement. We use the principles of metallurgy and chemistry to shoot our enemies in the name of "god and country"; we use the principles of thermodynamics and nuclear reaction to pollute our atmosphere, our land and our waters; we use the principles of horse-power and torque to kill ourselves and each other on our highways. Unless one lives in a cave, has no need of fire nor clothing nor transportation and eats only fruit and nuts (not too many people I know of live, nor would want to live in such simplicity and harmony) he or she, no matter their deistic beliefs or non-beliefs, their rationality of "faith", must have one great nemesis in common: mankind is killing life and environment in the name of progress. I, for one, am uncomfortably cognizant of the fact that my reasoned faith in the rationality and reality of science and its logical methodology is in constant conflict with my awareness that scientifically motivated material progress is, left as it will be to ordinary people, a world-killer. I must believe, therefore, that science is the only thing that will save us (and it) from ourselves (and itself) as opposed to prayer, god(s) or superstition. The delusion we call deistic religion may have a point in its "I told you so" attitude regarding scientific and material achievement. It does not,, however have any business in continuing to ignore or obstruct any progressive scientific theory it deems incompatible with its subjugation of the "faithful". Though the material results of much scientific progress has resulted at times in catastrophe, logic and reasoned enlightenment remains our single best hope for the eventual salvation of our species through practical application of positive scientific research and experiment. But, will humanity allow itself the realization of this hope? I'd put the odds at 90/10 against...the alleged proportion (in the U.S., anyhow) of deistic believers to non-believers.

Before anyone reading this wonders why I haven't pulled a Curt Cobain, a "Heavens Gate" or a Jim Jones, I do believe that mankind has a chance to share life with the rest of this planet, as long as we can learn to refrain from arrogantly dominating it through the baseless belief in the morality and infallibility of "tin gods".

Go to the next article: The Soul

Opening Statement

The Manifesto

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

Note 4

Note 5

Logic + Realism = Spirituality


My Opinion

A Philosophical Exercise

A Philosophical Exercise, Part II


My Own History



Is This What It's All About??!

The Soul

Points To Ponder


News and Comments

Page written by: Eric D. Tallberg

Page Created by Eric J. Tallberg

October, 1998