About The Eyes of The Dragon

The Eyes of The Dragon is mainly about this boy named Peter, who was framed for the murder of his father by Flagg, the King's wizard. But starting from the beginning, this novel took place in the country of Delain, many years ago. When the novel starts, the King of Delain is Roland, he was the 50 year old man that had never been married and needed to get married so there was children to take over after his time was expired. He married 17 year old Sasha and together they had two kids, Peter and Thomas. Peter and Thomas were seperated by 4 years, Peter being the oldest. While Peter was a kid, at a farmer's gathering, he met Ben. They became best friends, and remained best friends even when Peter was in the Needle (a jailcell). Flagg was the Kings wizard, and behind the scenes when no one else was around, he was planning evil things. Dennis was the son of Brandon who was Kings butler and he took over Brandon's job when he could no longer do it. Flagg had been planning to take over the kingdom for a long time and as Peter and Thomas were growing up, he was observing them. He knew he needed someone who'd be stupid enough to do what he suggested without second thoughts. Peter was too smart for that, so he knew he had to somehow get rid of him since the kingship goes to the oldest son. Flagg did this by poisoning some wine and giving it to Roland. Since Peter always brought wine in for Roland every night, everyone thought Peter poisoned him. Judge-General Peyna sentanced him for life in the Needle (today referred to as a jailcell) Peter always used napkins for his meals and asked to have them delivered with each meal. Also as a little kid, he played with his mother's dollhouse and asked that it be dewlivered to him in the Needle. He wanted the dollhouse for the miniture loom in it and the napkins so he could make a rope-about 300 feet to the bottom! He completed his rope 5 years later and was going to make his escape. He was aided in this escape by Dennis, Ben, and Noami, who had piled a huge pile of napkins at the bottom to break Peter's fall if the rope broke. I won't tell you if it broke or not, because you have to read the book yourself, but it is a good book and we encourage you to read it!

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