THE resource for strategy and help for Jedi Knight on Kali!

Jedi Knight Ring

Articles by Essobie: Kali IPX, Internet Play, 3D vs. Non-3D, Disciple Guide

This Page has had
hits since October 18th, 1997.



Just by telling you the NAME of this tactic, many of you will already know how to do it... you just haven't tried it yet. For those of you that DO use this tactic, you know that it is one of the nastiest things you can do in a game of Canyon to get quick kills.

Things you'll need for this trick are pretty straight forward:

Any amount of stars in Force Jump (1-3 are best, as a single jump won't hurt you from falling damage with 1 or 2 stars, and only does a little damage with 3)

Large caliber weapon or Force Destruction.

A target next to you with plenty of ceiling space.

Here's what you do... as soon as your target (or targets) are in a nice, flat place with lots of overhead room, do a Max Force Jump above them or over them. When you take off, begin aiming down at them. Right before you get to the peek of the jump (when you are moving the least), have your shot lined up based on where you think the target (or targets) are going to be when your shot hits.

At the peak, fire away.

What you have done is 3 things. First, you have moved to a position that it is almost impossible to hit with any weapon: up.

Secondly, you've slowed yourself to a stop as far as your X,Y coordinates are concerned, making aiming easy.

And finally, you've made the angle of the ground's surface almost perpendicular, letting you pick spots on the GROUND to hit, instead of differentiating the target from open space. To illustrate, look at these two pictures:

This one is the normal aiming method: straight on. This is "bad". Why? Because of lots of reasons. He can see you easily. He can shoot back. You can only aim at him or at the ground below him (for splash damage) so leading him is difficult. In order to hit him safely, you'll have to stay away from him, AND move erratically so he doesn't hit you. Highlighted is your possible shots. Now here is the Jump Attack:

This is "good". Why? Because you aren't really moving a lot. The target only moves a few inches on your screen while you are up this high, so leading is easy. You are up and out of the way so that he can't return fire effectively. And you have GOBS of ground to aim at. Splash damage is what is the most powerful weapon in Jedi Knight because of lag. If it weren't for lag, we'd be running around shooting lightning and swinging sabers ALL the time. And last but not least, your possible shot area is BIG and ROUND. Most targets stare in awe when you force jump right next to them; you'd be surprised at how easy a shot this is. Give it a try!

Special thanks to Nutcase for posing for the screenshots!


This second trick came about when I was playing a number of REALLY talented players in Canyon Oasis that loved to Force Pull any and every weapon you could possibly have in your hand. This is a problem to the Disciple, because without all those force stars, the rail and the concussion rifle are the most effective way of killing... and the TRULY sad part is, Level 6 characters can't have Force Absorb (which is the only thing that completely prevents Force Pulling, save blinding the person).

How you do it is pretty simple as far as "tricks" go, but many people don't think about it in the heat of battle. Since I like doing screenie story boards, I'll give you an example of a great place to pull this off.

The situation:

You and your Pull-Freek Jedi Knight friend just ended up in this area at the same time. Being a Pull-Freek, your buddy (here known further as PF) is only using a Saber and Force to kill you... what would he need a rail for if he can just Grip/Cut you when you don't have a weapon?

You on the other hand, just finished getting the Concussion Rifle and already had 500 ammo for it just a WAITIN' to go. Problem is... he is going to take it. Just like every other weapon you have had in the game so far... he will force pull it away from you... and even if he happens to PICK IT UP, he isn't going to use it. If there is one thing that PFs hate, it is getting a weapon pulled from THEM.

So what are you going to do with the Rifle? Fire it once... maybe two times before he takes it from you and you have to switch to HIS game (Sabers and Force)? HELL NO!

The instant you even THINK he is about to pull it from you, switch to saber! Then RUN LIKE THE WIND!!!

What's that you say? "Run? NO WAY! I'm a JEDI! I run from NO ONE!"

With a mentality like that, it is no wonder you get about half as many kills as you do deaths every time you play. This game is about KILLING, and STAYING ALIVE. Chances are good that if someone running around pulling weapons and swinging a saber in CANYON OASIS, they are better than you at using a Saber and Grip to kill people with than YOU are. Adaptibility, people... you must play YOUR game, not theirs. But I digress...

You switch to saber, and force run around this corner. The nice thing about pulling, and grip, and blind, and Deadly Sight, and any other offensive Force Powers, is that they have to SEE you to use it. Once around this corner, switch BACK to your concussion rifle.

If you don't already have it on, activate Force Seeing so you can check your opponent's position on the map. If you didn't know that you could do that, you should stop reading this page right now, and pick up the Jedi Knight Users Manual and read it cover to cover. There are other things in there that you probably missed as well. :)

At this point, either of a couple of things will happen (and these I have experienced MULTIPLE times in Canyon Games doing this tactic):

Best case scenerio: your opponent won't know what Force Seeing is capable of doing, and so will follow you right around this corner to his death.

Second best case scenerio: your opponent is a nutcase, and will turn on force run HIMSELF to follow you around. You'll have to listen for the SWOOSH sound that comes from someone turning on running, and chances are that you still have running on yourself... not to mention Seeing. It will be difficult to hear. Luckily, you can see their progress on the map, so just shoot earlier.

Third best case scenerio: They will have seen this tactic before, and won't follow you at all. This isn't such a bad thing, other than you don't get an easy kill... instead, you get to go get ALL the goodies on the top side of the map without having to worry about Saber-boy sneaking up on you.

Worst case scenerio: They know exactly what you have just done, and will force run and head for this corner before YOU think about it. When YOU get there, he'll pull the weapon AGAIN, leaving you with fists empty, and a soon to be lopped off noggin. If the person is this good, chances are you should take up fighting with Saber and Force and hope to win a few grip fights. :)

Happy hunting!


This section will be devoted to special moves that different DOGs come up with. To start it off, I'll show you a great shortcut in the map, "Canyon Oasis".

What you'll need:

1) Full registered version of JK, blah blah blah... you get the picture.

2) A Multiplayer character with any amount of stars for Speed, and EXACTLY 3 stars for Jump. More on why in a second.

3) The will to get to the Concussion Rifle before your opponent does.

What you do:

1) Go here in Canyon Oasis:

Where I'm pointing is where you want to be, but you don't feel like swimming a quarter mile to get there. Luckily, JK has the equivalent of the Quake "Rocket Jump".

Once here, hit Force Speed, and start halling Jedi Tail in that direction... and when you get here:

... fire off a Force Jump by TAPPING the Force Jump button. Why tapping you say? Well, luckily, I read the manual, so I know that holding down the Force Jump button allows me to jump at differing heights... but just TAPPING it automatically makes you go your MAXIMUM height. And... if you have exactly THREE stars spent on Force Jump....

... and you get a good Force Jump tap, then you will hit the "hole in the wall" perfectly, taking no falling damage... and leaving you to make probably the most fun shot of the game on the poor sap that chose to swim up there:


Got any REALLY sick Multiplayer Tricks you'd like us to do a story board of? Send in your idea to Essobie.