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Articles by Essobie: Kali IPX, Internet Play, 3D vs. Non-3D, Disciple Guide

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hits since October 18th, 1997.

FAQ for Jedi Knight on Kali

Version 2.0 HTML (11/19/97)

by Essobie (aka Russell O'Henly)

If you have any questions you'd like to have answered on this FAQ, or KNOW an answer to a Question you get asked a lot that would fit on this FAQ, OR if there is a spelling or grammatical error that needs fixing, OR you would like to correct something that is incorrect on this FAQ, feel free to email me at . Thanks!

All mentions of JK, Jedi Knight, and anything else owned by LucasArts is property of LucasArts. All mentions of Kali, KChat, Kali Chat, or anything else belonging to Kali, is property of Kali. Anything else that isn't owned by LucasArts or Kali or Russell O'Henly, is owned by their repective owner. In other words, I'm not finacially liable for anything written here. Everything in use here not by Russell O'Henly is used without permission... or with permission. Depends on which part you are talking about. Thanks for input by the following (but not limited to): Toxy, Nihilist, Kali, Lucasarts, and especially Vrooden which started the idea of an "instructional JKonKali.txt".

This FAQ will ONLY cover things dealing with JK on Kali only. This is NOT a General Purpose Jedi Knight FAQ.

*** Signifies that this was changed since the last version.


I. Basics (getting started)
	A. What do I need to play Jedi Knight (JK) on Kali?
	B. I installed Kali, but it didn't autodetect JK. What gives?
	C. IPX Games
1. How do I host an IPX game?
2. How do I join an IPX game?
D. IP Games
1. How do I host an IP game?
2. How do I join an IP game?
E. Which is better? IPX or IP?
1. Perfomance (Kali Tech Support)
2. Convience
II. Tips and Tricks
A. Opening and Closing Chat
B. Hosting games
1. Pickup Games
2. Displaying your IP in Kali
3. Winnuke and Fix
III.	Troubleshooting
A.	Failed to Connect to Host
B.	Join game lockups
C.	Finding IPX games on Game list

What do I need to play Jedi Knight (JK) on Kali?

Full version of JK.
Kali version 1.1W or later (registration preferred)
Prior knowledge of how to set up games for Kali... or this FAQ. ;)

I installed Kali, but it didn't autodetect JK. What gives?

Versions 1.1W through 1.2 don't have an autodetect for the full version of JK (although 1.2 does autodetect the DEMO of JK.) Supposedly there is a small patch for 1.2 that will allow it to detect the full version, but to make things easier from the start, you don't NEED it to auto detect JK for JK to work. Just follow these simple instructions to make a Kali Launch Button for JK.

First, you must understand that you must launch JK from inside Kali to give you all of the play options (to play EITHER IPX or IP games. You can only play IP games if you start JK externally). The easiest way to start up JK within Kali is the Game List Buttons.

To make a Game Button...

1. Go to the "View" menu and make sure that the "Game Toolbar" is checked.This will show you game buttons in the bottom of the Kali screen.

2. Right click on the Game Toolbar. This will bring up a dialouge window that shows you where the 20 possible games can go on your Game Toolbar.

3. Select the tab that correspondes to where you want JK to be placed.

4. Insert the following items:

Menu Title: Jedi Knight
Program: [path to your Jedi Knight directory]jk.exe
Arguements: None
Directory: [path to your Jedi Knight directory]
Built in Icon: None
Allow Kali to drop packets to speed up game: UNchecked.
Drop Packets that are out of order: UNchecked.
Icon Name: [path to your Jedi Knight directory]jk.exe

(Note: if you have any spaces in your path to your Jedi Knight directory, see the section on "Spaces" in troubleshooting below. At present you will not see any IPX games if you have any spaces in your path.)

*** A few people have notified me that they have spaces in their path, and they don't have any problems at all finding IPX games over Kali. I have never personally had a problem with this since I almost never use default install directories anyway... I mean really... who wants a LucasArts directory on thier HD?)

How do I host an IPX game?

1. Make sure you are launching JK from Kali (see section on Getting Started).
2. Start up JK thru Kali. By default this will close your chat session.
3. Select your player.
4. Select Multiplayer.
5. Select Host.
6. Select "IPX Connection for DirectPlay"
7. Name your game name as you see fit.
8. Set max players to what you think your computer and connection speed can handle. See "Max Players" below.
9. Check your game option toggles (Max score, Time Limit, etc.) Be sure you start the game you WANT to start.
10. Choose the Max Jedi Rank (see Jedi Ranks below).
11. Choose the Episode.
12. Choose the map.
13. Include a password if you are hosting a private game. GIVE the password to your guests. ;)
*** DOUBLE CHECK all your settings and hit OK. (The reason for this step should be obvious, but it boils down to the fact that unfortunately, LA did not think to let a client be the host after the game has started and the host wants to leave, consequently if the host screws up the game settings the first time around, he/she will have a group of joiners that get the infamous "Server has left the game... exiting". If you are LUCKY they will give you a second shot.)
15. Choose your Jedi Character (or make a new one).
16. Click OK.
17. Play until the wee hours of the morning. :)

How do I join an IPX game?

1. Make sure you are launching JK from Kali (see section on Getting Started).
2. Start up JK thru Kali. By default this will close your chat session.
3. Select your player.
4. Select Multiplayer.
5. Select Join.
6. Select "IPX Connection for DirectPlay"
7. Wait while your computer searches the Kali Server for games in progress.
8. Highlight a game by clicking on it to show what Jedi Rank, Episode, Map, etc. the game is.
9. When you find a game that interests you that is not full, highlight it and hit OK.
10. Choose your Jedi Character (or make a new one).
11. Click OK.

On the first try, it is not uncommon for JK to tell you that the connection failed. Worry not. Just repeat the steps needed one more time and it should join. If it doesn't, the game has either become full, or your connection to the host is not good enough for a playable experience. Find another game.

How do I host an IP game?

1. Inform everyone that you wish host an IP game by displaying your IP address to them. (See "Tips and Tricks")
2. Make sure you are launching JK from Kali (see section on Getting Started).
3. Start up JK thru Kali. By default this will close your chat session.
4. Select your player.
5. Select Multiplayer.
6. Select Host.
7. Select "Internet TCP/IP Connection for DirectPlay"
8. Name your game name as you see fit.
9. Set max players to what you think your computer and connection speed can handle. See "Max Players" below.
10. Check your game option toggles (Max score, Time Limit, etc.) Be sure you start the game you WANT to start.
11. Choose the Max Jedi Rank (see Jedi Ranks below).
12. Choose the Episode.
13. Choose the map.
14. Include a password if you are hosting a private game. GIVE the password to your guests. ;)
*** DOUBLE CHECK all your settings and hit OK. (The reason for this step should be obvious, but it boils down to the fact that unfortunately, LA did not think to let a client be the host after the game has started and the host wants to leave, consequently if the host screws up the game settings the first time around, he/she will have a group of joiners that get the infamous "Server has left the game... exiting". If you are LUCKY they will give you a second shot.)
16. Choose your Jedi Character (or make a new one).
17. Click OK.
18. Play until the wee hours of the morning. :)

How do I join an IP game?

Get the IP address of the game's host by cutting it to the clipboard. (See "Tips and Tricks")

Make sure you are launching JK from Kali (see section on Getting Started).

Start up JK thru Kali. By default this will close your chat session.

Select your player.

Select Multiplayer.

Select Join.

Select "Internet TCP/IP Connection for DirectPlay"

JK will open up a DirectPlay dialogue asking for the IP address of the host. Paste from clipboard the IP. (See "Tips and Tricks")

Highlight the game when it appears. Hit OK.

Choose your Jedi Character (or make a new one).

Click OK.

Play until the wee hours of the morning. :)

IE. Which is better? IPX or IP?

IE1. Ah... the question of the decade. This question is really a question of how you define "better". If you are talking about game performance, read the following email conversation between a JK fan and Kali Tech Support:


Question from FearNo1

Date sent: Sun, 05 Oct 1997 10:51:30 -0500

From: FearNo1


Subject: TCP/IP vs IPX

For gaming via the net, is there a definitive advantage to either of the protocols? Does one of them have smaller packets or something? Lately I have heard (with Jedi Knight and TA) that TCP/IP is faster than IPX. Ne truth to that?

Answer from Kali Support

From: "Kali Technical Support Team" <>

X-Real-Sender: RICHARD

Organization: Kali, Inc.

To: FearNo1

Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 11:17:58 EST

Subject: Re: TCP/IP vs IPX

The actual data size is the same. It's the header info that makes a (very) slight difference. By the time you add in the Kali information, the IPX packet is 5 bytes larger than normal IPX. This still means it's smaller that TCP/IP, but larger than UDP.

What does this mean for your games speed? Nothing. The game would have to be sending over 40 packets a second for the speed difference to be noticeable. There is no game (including JK) that sends that fast.




So performance is not an issue... they play the exact same. There are many that will tell you different, but fact is, if you play both under the exact same cercumstances (same host, same players, same connection time, etc.) then you cannot see any difference in lag, loss, or any thing else.

IE2. So how can someone say something is better if they are the same? You have to look at a different definition of "better". If defined as what is EASIER, IPX is much more convienient for Kali users. Why? Read on.

Hosting IP games

When you host an IP game, you must give your IP address to all that are going to join your game. You can do this a couple of ways (see "Tips and Tricks"). Once you do this, you have a choice: Only let those original players into the game and not let anyone else join because they don't know your IP address... or... you give an /away message GIVING your IP address out in Kali while you are in the game.

Disadvantages on both sides of that sword. If someone drops out of a game that is only known about by the original players, then no one else will know how to get to your IP address. You'll have to go back to chat to give it out again.

If you leave an /away message with your IP address, you will have to leave chat open, and this takes up bandwidth (See "troubleshooting").

Hosting IPX games

When you host an IPX game, you don't really have to tell anyone. All you do is start the game up, and wait for people to see your game name on the list of IPX games. This allows a great opportunity for people to drop into your game on the fly, without preperation. It also means you won't have to leave chat open while you play.

So if you count up the advantages and disadvantages, IPX games are better... at least when you are playing using Kali... and that is what this FAQ is about, right? ;)

II. Tips and Tricks

IIA. Since I made this crazy Kali button for JK, it keeps closing chat for me when I start JK. It takes my computer FOREVER to load JK. Is there some way I can leave JK open while I'm in chat so I don't have to load it all the time?

What a well thought out question! <G> Say you've been in chat, and you want to join a game, so you click on the JK button you made. This will close chat. When you are done playing in the game, instead of quitting completely out of JK to get back to chat, simply hit Alt-Tab while you still have JK open. This will take you back to Kali. But you aren't through...

You are in Kali, but chat isn't open. No problem. To toggle chat on and off, just hit Ctrl-T.

Don't forget though... when you are going to play, you already have JK open so you don't have to hit the JK button again... just alt-tab. But don't forget to CLOSE CHAT before you go into JK by hitting Ctrl-T again. The only time Chat is closed automatically is when you LOAD JK... not when you start playing.

IIB. How do I let people know I'm going to host a game?

IIB1. If you just want a pick up game, just host an IPX game. People will join if you pick settings that they like.

IIB2. Displaying your IP address in Kali

If you are going to host an IP game, unfortunately the only thing you can do is display your IP address to everyone. You can do this a few ways, but by far the EASIEST way to get your IP is just go to a place where you can chat in Kali (be it the main chat room, another chat room, or even a private window to another person in chat) and just type "%ip" without the quotes. This will get Kali to display your IP address in the chat window. You'll even see it yourself.

IIB3. Winnuke

The down side of this is that when you show people your IP address, you are opening yourself up to an attack known as Winnuke. Winnuke is a program that was written for the specific reason to expose a hole in security of the Windows 95 TCP/IP protocal. What it does is send Out of Band (OOB) errors to a specific IP address which causes Win95 to crash completely, with rebooting the only option. There IS a way to prevent this though. There is a complete discription of this problem and an update that will prevent it here:

III. Troubleshooting

IIIA. I want to join a game, but when I try to join it, it says "Failed to connect to host computer" or something. What gives?

Chances are, your computer didn't connect the first try. Just try again. If it doesn't work on the third try, chances are you aren't getting into that game. Find another.

IIIB. When I go to join a certain game, my computer freezes up at the screen right before it loads the map... but it doesn't give me a connection error... it just sits there.

Not sure why this happens, but hitting ESC only ONE time will usually get you back to the games list.

IIIC. I have everything configured like this FAQ says except that my path to jk.exe has spaces in it. What difference does it make? or....

I can't seem to find games in progress on the Kali server that are IPX... and I KNOW they are there. Why?

If the path to jk.exe has spaces in it, You will not be able to "see" IPX games on the game list in JK. There are a couple of ways to fix this.

The most obvios one is to reinstall JK and change the target directory to one that does NOT include spaces. The default directory for JK to install to is C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Jedi Knight\jk.exe which, as you can see, includes 2 spaces. When the JK install program asks if this directory is okay, say NO and change it to something like C:\JediKnight\ and all will be good in the world.

If you don't want to reinstall, there is another fix. You can change the path from "long file name form" (which is what it has to be in to include spaces) into "short file name form". This is done by keeping any filename in the path to 8 characters or less. Any filename that is more than 8 must be abbreviated with the ~# format. Sound like gibberish? Don't worry about it. If you installed JK to it's default directory, the following should work for you. Just change the path in the JK button in Kali from

C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Jedi Knight\jk.exe



If this fix doesn't work for you, just reinstall it with a new directory path. That will definately work.