Welcome to Jeana's Realms of the Dragon site!

You are about to enter Jeana's Realms of the Dragon (RoD) site. Inside you will find all you ever wanted to know about the ShadowThief guild, some general information about RoD and even a little glimpse into the person behind the drow.

Now, all of you who know me on RoD... aren't I being gentle on these poor loosers I'm ranting against below? Silly, silly boys. Anyways, if you're here for RoD, scroll down to the bottom... Unless you like to read a mild rant that is.

If you are here looking for Hillbilly's Redneck Rampage page...


Since some of you rednecks can't seem to understand GO AWAY and are sending me mails such as...

(to which my reply is at least I can spell)

OR Mr. Typo Jr....
Bye Me Dick Head
(well, bye to you too Dick Head. Must be something in the water)

OR Mr. Verbose...
How about some manners you asshole. what's up with "GO AWAY'
Fu loser.
Probably some derelict, anti-social FREAK!!! Ever get laid you loser...
(real eloquent, I bet you're just the life of parties with that witty repartee. Oh, and don't look in the mirror, you might be suprised)

...let me make myself a little clearer.

Hillbilly is gone, vamoose, up and left all you loosers in the dust, adios, bye-bye. Get the picture? I don't know who the hell Hillbilly is or where he's gone. I just had the unfortunate luck to move into this GeoCities slot after him. Let me make that a little clearer....

I am NOT Hillbilly nor do I know him

Some of you have been quite polite in your mails and told me where I was erroneously listed or just asked for hints (which I can't give you, don't know the game).
To those people, thank you for being polite. Sorry I couldn't be of more help to those wanting hints. Try the other pages.

To the rest of you...
If you can't accept that this is no longer a Redneck Rampage site, well, in the words of Mr. Typo Jr. and Mr. Verbose up above...
"Bye Me" and "Fu loser".

Now Back to Realms of the Dragon...

Please excuse the mess in there. I'm still working on this. Now, put on your hard hat and enter the construction zone :)

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Note: The no-frames version contains only my old ShadowThief materials and does not have all the links of my frames site. It may also experience some pop-ups given to you by Geocities.

Last Updated: May 10, 1998

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