In October of 1969, a rumor spread across the world that Paul McCartney, bassist of the greatest band ever, was dead.

On October 12, 1969 Russ Gibb, of WKNR-FM announced on the radio that Paul was dead. He had gotten a phone call earlier saying to listen to some certain songs (some parts backwards) and look at some of the covers of the albums.

According to these clues, Paul had died in a car crash in 1966. Researchers found a car accident that happened around that time with a young male and female. The driver (the male) was severly disfigured. In the winter of 1966, a Paul Look-Alike contest was held. No winners were announced even though thousands entered.

A winner had been decided on named William Campbell. He had been paid a large sum of money to masquerade as Paul. Campbell was never heard from again, so the story goes that the "stand in" had been playing Paul since 1966.

The other Beatles must have felt guilty so they put up clues in the songs and covers of their albums to gently break the news to the fans.

Clues from the albums:

Yesterday and Today Sgt. Pepper Magical Mystery Clues White Album Abby Road

The BEST Paul Is Dead site on the web!