Nan's No-Tech Genetics

page seven

Okay, folks. This is the page you were all waiting for: the cheat-sheet page that shows all the genes and how they work, summarized in neat little tables.

Genes That Are Just Plain Recessive

Gene: What it does:
Recessive piedStops manufacture of blue/black pigment in some areas of the body.
FallowAllows a little brown/black pigment to be made. Birds have red eyes; the blue/black color on them looks washed out or brown.

Genes That Are Just Plain Dominant

Gene: What it does:
Dominant piedStops manufacture of blue/black pigment in some areas.
GreyMakes the blue/black pigment look grey instead of blue.
VioletEnhances the blue/black pigment a little. Makes cobalt colored birds look purple.

Genes That Are Just Plain Sex Linked, Recessive

Gene: What it does:
InoStops manufacture of all blue/black pigment. Birds have red eyes
CinnamonWashes out the blue/black pigment; makes it appear browninsh on some species. Birds don't have red eyes, though.
OpalineEliminates or minimizes the black markings on budgie head and shoulders.

Genes That Have More Than Two Forms at the Same Site

Gene: What it does:
Blue (white face)
Regulates the amount and placement of yellow on the body. (A pair of Yellowface Type 1 genes will show up as white face. A goldenface or Yellowface Type 2 gene paired up with either Goldenface, Yellowface Type 2, or Yellowface Type 1 gene will show limited yellow on the body, plus a yellow face.)
Regulates the strength of the color of the budgie's black markings, and affects the strength of it's body coloring.
Orange Face
White Face
(peach face lovebirds)
Changes the amount of red/yellow pigment in the faces of peach face lovebirds. In blue-series birds (e.g., dutch blues, creaminos), the orange face appears yellow.

Genes That Are Just Plain Semi-Dominant

Gene: What it does:
Dark FactorMakes the blue/black pigment on the bird appear darker.

Genes That are Sex-Linked, Recessive, and Behave Weird

Gene: What it does:
Pearl (cockatiels)Gives females a dappled pattern on the wings. Pearl males have this pattern only until the first molt, then look normal.

Genes That Behave Weird and Are Not Sex-Linked

Gene: What it does:
SpangleSingle factor: makes wing markings appear to just mark the tips of feathers. Double factor: takes out most of the blue/black pigment all over the bird.
CrestCauses a disturbance in the head feathers of budgies.
1. Crested X Crested will produce 70% crested birds.
2. Crested X Crest bred will produce 40% crested birds.
3. Crested X Normal will produce 10% crested birds.
4. Crest bred X Crest bred is a waste of time.
5. Crest bred X Normal also a waste of time.

In all the above pairings the crest type produced is usually:

15% (about 1 in 7) full crest,
30% (about 2 in 7) half crest,
55% (about 4 in 7) tufted.
Many thanks to Andy Vogt for the statistics on crested budgies.

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