Chapter Bylaws

Phi Theta Kappa is committed to the elimination of discrimination based on gender, race, class, economic status, ethnic background, sexual orientation, age, physical ability, and cultural and religious backgrounds.

CHAPTER I . Name of Chapter

CHAPTER II . Purpose

CHAPTER III . Membership

CHAPTER IV . Chapter Advisor
CHAPTER V . Chapter Officers

CHAPTER VI . Chapter Alumni Advisor

CHAPTER VII . Membership Enhancement Program

One-Star Member
Requirements: Attend one Theta Omega function
15 hours of volunteer work (Theta Omega related)
Benefits: Certificate of Recognition (1-star status)
Eligibility to run for office
Two-Star Member
Requirements: Attend two Theta Omega functions
30 hours of volunteer work (Theta Omega related)
Benefits: Certificate of Recognition (2-star status)
Attend Illinois Regional Convention
Eligibility to run for office
Three-Star Member
Requirements: Attend three Theta Omega functions
Attend one General Membership Meeting
Active participation as a Hallmark Team Member
45 hours of volunteer work (Theta Omega related)
Benefits: Certificate of Recognition (3-star status)
Attend Illinois Regional Convention
Free Theta Omega T-shirt
Eligibility to run for office
Four-Star Member
Requirements: Attend three Theta Omega functions
Attend two General Membership Meetings
Active participation as a Hallmark Team Member
60 hours of volunteer work (Theta Omega related)
Benefits: Certificate of Recognition (4-star status)
Attend Illinois Regional Convention
Eligibility to be nominated for George O. Bierko
Distinguished Member Award
Free Theta Omega T-shirt
50% discount on Theta Omega sweatshirt
Eligibility to run for office
Five-Star Member
Requirements: Attend three Theta Omega functions
Attend three General Membership Meetings
Demonstrate leadership by actively participating as a Hallmark Team leader
75 hours of volunteer work (Theta Omega related)
Benefits: Certificate of Recognition (5-star status)
Attend Illinois Regional Convention
Attend Phi Theta Kappa International Convention
Eligibility to be nominated for the George O. Bierko Distinguished Member Award
Free Theta Omega T-shirt
50% discount on Theta Omega sweatshirt
Free tassel and stole for graduation
Eligibility to run for office

  1. Each star level is completely independent of the other levels.
  2. Any recipient of Enhanced Membership will receive the highest recognition at the highest level attained by the deadline.
  3. Must stay at each meeting for at least an hour to receive credit.
  4. Must stay at each function for at least an hour to receive credit.
  5. A maximum of 50 independent Membership Enhancement Points may be accepted. A signed letterhead memo describing volunteer service and the number of hours served must be attached to the Membership Enhancement Form with the name and phone number of the supervisor for verification by stated deadline.
  6. 2 MEPs (Membership Enhancement Points) will be given for each General Membership Meeting attended. (Must stay at each meeting for at least an hour to receive 2 points.)
  7. 2 MEPs will be given for each Phi Theta Kappa related function attended. (A service activity and meeting will not meet the requirement of a function. Must stay at each function for at least an hour to receive 2 points.)
  8. 2 MEPs will be given for each hour that a member volunteered for a service activity.
  9. MEPs will not be given for international nor regional meetings.
  10. Members must be registered for at least one credit hour at Wright during the semester of the regional or international convention and must meet all requirements to be enhanced members by the stated deadline in order to be eligible to attend a regional or international convention.
  11. Members must fill out a Membership Enhancement Form with the appropriate supervisors' signatures and return it to the Accounts Executive by the stated deadline.

CHAPTER VIII . Provisional Membership Program

CHAPTER IX . Election of officers

CHAPTER X . International and Regional office
CHAPTER XI . Meetings

CHAPTER XII . Finances


CHAPTER XIV . All-USA and All-Illinois nominations

CHAPTER XV . Resignation, removal, and replacement

CHAPTER XVI . Amendments and revision

*Refers to the Phi Theta Kappa International Constitution and Bylaws.

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