ABOUT ME                              


About Me

I’ve been asked continuously how the four characters “The Split” came about. So let me clear this up once and for all.

I was originally Dee-Licious which a nick-name given to me by two friends in my first year at the University of Windsor . They gave it to me to try to embarrass me, so when they would yell across campus or across the student center, everyone would stop and look to see who Dee-Licious was. So now you know where D-Licious came from, no sexual connotations at all just a running joke that stuck.  My first performance was at a yearly event put on by University students called “Aphrodisiac”. After that first performance, people liked my stuff and started asking me to do other venues. I was asked to do a religious venue; needless to say Dee-Licious wasn’t the best name to go up in there with. So Desi Rae was born, it was an easy choice due to the fact that it is my middle name (which was later shortened to D-Rae. I brought her on to take care of the more religious venues. And that was how the first two characters were born.

When I graduated from the University of Windsor in December 2000, with a BA in Sociology and Communications, I took some time to figure out what I was going to due next. I moved up to Toronto in March 2001 but didn’t perform again until December 2002. By that time I had performed in Windsor and Detroit only, and in doing so I had created the character D-Troit. I realized at this point that I needed to fuse the characters under one name as to no confuse my audience. And hence the Split was born, with her 3 characters D-Licious (Erotic); D’Troit (Ghetto Girl) and D’Rae (Women’s Rights).

D-Dee came a year later. She was influenced by one of my best friends, who gave me that nickname to represent the little sister role. So D-Dee represents that Black Girl Lost, a young girl who’s trying to find herself. The name The Split comes from Split Personalities. The Multiple personalities of the split represent ALL of me. Each character is a part of my personality just taken to the extreme. I’m not as sexual as D-Licious or as ghetto as D’Troit, as Feminist as D-Rae or as Lost as D-Dee. They are all me!

So when you see me please don’t ask me which character I am today! I hope you enjoy my site, take your time go through it all, and contact me with any questions or for bookings. You can also join my mailing list to find out what’s going on in the poetry scene. It’s not a weekly or even monthly letter, so don’t worry. Keep checking back for updates.

~ The Split

"I am a made woman. Made by experience, generosity and a need to release my pain and shame in the search of Therapy through Spoken Word Poetry!"

To book The Split click here