January 20, 2002

Proverbs 14:30
Zechariah 1:14
2 Corinthians 11:2;12:20
There are two types of jealousy, good and bad
Jeasousy can cause problems. It is also a work of the flesh.
Proper form of jalousy as displayed by Jehovah
Exodus 34:14
Jehovah is a jealous God, he demands exclusive devotion
Jehovah's jealousy is not jealous, but denotes zeal, ardor, he insists on exclusive devotion.
Exodus 20:5
James 1:17
Jehovah is jealous for what is right.
Ezekiel 16:38
His jealousy would act against them
Zechariah 8:2
Why should we avoid ungodly jealousy?
It springs from envy or suspicion.
Genesis 4: 1-5, 8
It can even cause one to murder as Cain did to Abel
Genesis 37:13,14
Joseph and his 10 half brothers
They were jealous of him
Also the example of Saul, he threw a spear at David over his military actions
Numbers 12:1,1,9,10
Mirian and Aaron were jealous over Moses' prominence
There were negative consequesnces for negative jealousy.
How can I rout unproper jealousy out of my life?
1 Corinthians 13:4
Love is not jealous
Love is the primary way to avoid jealousy
Genesis 4:7
Jehovah's advice to Cain
We need to express love to one another, get to know ones that we are jealous over.
Jealousy in the home cannot be hemmed in by jealous demands.
Ephesians 5:28,29
Genesis 2:18
Wife should support her husband
Curbing jeaslousy over our neighbours possessions
Hebrews 13:5
Communicate with unbelieving mates, let them know what is going on within the family.
Help children understand that each one has thier own talents.
Romans 12:15,16
In the congregation, elders should not be jealous over each other.
Numbers 11:29
Philippians 4:12
We must guard against hurtful speech, leave jealousy along and avoid being judgemental.
1 Thessalonians 4:11
Love is long-suffering and kind
Psalms 73:2-5,17-19
what is the future for the wicked one?
We have no need for jealousy. Reaping benefits of not showing unjust jealousy
Matthew 6:33
Proper jealousy leads to enjoyment of life
We want to guard Jehovah's jealousy
1 Peter 4:15,16
Let us work hard in the congregaion to stop ungodly jealousy
We can all gain great benefits.
Let us cultivate Godly jealousy>