kisskeanustars2.gif (12344 bytes)

Are you ready to give this cute guy a cyber smooch?


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smack.gif (2106 bytes)

Click on the lips to Kiss Keanu!

starchange.gif (925 bytes)A big thank you to Julie *hugs* for helping me find the photos for this page!!starchange.gif (925 bytes)

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This is a stop on the Keanu Ring of Fire!



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The Keanu Ring of Fire is owned by Romeo Rainbow

kisslinks.gif (3161 bytes) - the premiere celebrity website

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Celeblinks - The ultimate celebrity link site   

Celebrity Site of the Day

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Celebrity Link

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Visit these wonderful Keanu pages!!

KeanuNet - online since 1995!

Keanu Reeves Page

Alist-Keanu Reeves:

Cloudwalker's Keanu Reeves Page:

Heavenly Breeze Over The Mountains-A site dedicated to Keanu Reeves:

 In Association with

Myhrmaid's Quick Links

Don't forget to also stop by...

Kiss David Duchovny

Kiss Leonardo DiCaprio

Kiss Brad Pitt

Kiss Scott Foley

Kiss Ricky Martin

Kiss Joseph Fiennes

Kiss Hugh Grant

more to come!



And thank

starchange.gif (925 bytes) Sander Evers starchange.gif (925 bytes)
for the wonderful Kiss applet!!
p.s. You can kiss him too!!

FastCounter by bcentral

Last updated 06/20/2000

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