kisskeanustars2.gif (12344 bytes)

kissme.gif (1474 bytes)

Click on the photo below you want to kiss!

keanu1small.jpg (2252 bytes)

keanu3small.jpg (2568 bytes)

keanu4small.jpg (2483 bytes)

starchange.gif (925 bytes)A big thank you to Julie *hugs* for helping me find the photos for this page!!starchange.gif (925 bytes)

vote2.gif (2821 bytes)

starsign.gif (2485 bytes) Guestbook by GuestWorld  starview.gif (2545 bytes)

 In Association with

Myhrmaid's Quick Links

And thank

starchange.gif (925 bytes) Sander Evers starchange.gif (925 bytes)
for the wonderful Kiss applet!!
p.s. You can kiss him too!!

FastCounter by bcentral

Last updated 03/08/2000

designedby3.gif (5076 bytes)