7.15.2000 :::

I am a psycho and Dirky-Wirky is a fraud. And lemons are yellow with a very tart flavor. And I would say also that taxes suck ass, but the fuckers would audit me. HOORAY for salt!
Jett Superior laid this on you 12:24:56 AM :: scoop it ::

:::      ::::::      :::

They say that you can learn a lot about the character of a man by watching his behavior in trying circumstances.....

I was in Reno. It was blazing hot (as it typically is right after New Years Day) and the "casino" (which was so disreputable that the Mob wouldn't have anything to do with it) was filled with the usual assortment of alcoholic Ind...er...Native Americans, Social Security-fueled generational leeches and former Love Boat guest stars who were drinking the joint's watered-down, wood alcohol-laced cocktails and praying for death in preparation of performing in the hotel's dinner theatre production of "Long Day's Journey Into Night".

The fear was palpable. The desperation...oddly invigorating in a modest, self-effacing manner. For anything of any interest to anyone at any time other than a global catastrophe to occur that afternoon was a quite remote dream of a simpler time when terms like....well....whatever....had a utterly benign aura.

Then she came in...

I had always wondered how I'd react to her return. Would the old pains come flooding back with all the ghosts of resentment or would time rewind itself to the FBI warning portion of the mating ritual? We'd have to see...

Dirk Belligerent laid this on you 12:09:24 AM :: scoop it ::

:::      ::::::      :::

7.14.2000 :::

God, how I DO love SpongeBob SquarePants (I write it this way, however incorrectly, because that is the way it tends to sound rolling offa my tongue). Not the character, I mean. The show itself. As a matter of fact, when it all boils down (two cliches in one breath...howzat fer a trick, bawz an' guhls?*my pathetic attempt at a southern dialect, didja geddit?*), SpongeBob is not one of my favorite characters in the show. He has a groovy name and a voice reminiscent of my sixth-grade art teacher but I feel that is where his appeal ends.

The squirrel in the bubble helmet? The one that plays guitar and has a nasally twang-drawl with a nod towards southern sensibilities? That is one hip fucking cartoon-being.

To clarify, I don't love this toon in the sense that I schedule my meals around it. I mean it in the sense that if I happen to channelsurf across it, I throw on the skids and laugh my ass off for whatever time remains. Gee holy pepper....I just admitted that shit on the worldwideweb,whoa. Forgive me when I am sane and sober, okay? And NEVER, NO, NEVER mention it at the office parties. Thanks, pal. >:oP

NEXT SUBJECT: This is an uglyass blog. I gotta figure out how to change some things color-wise and font-wise. This is an assault on the senses.

SUBJECT AFTER THAT: I am really trying to lure Dirk Belligerent out here to stomp around. I adore his words. If he DOES in fact show up, be very quiet and don't make any sudden moves. It doesn't take much to set the boy off, if ya know what I mean.

Enough for tonight....Love and Rockets.

Jett Superior laid this on you 11:21:23 PM :: scoop it ::

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Uhh, okay, as with any new endeavor, I have charged into this thing tentatively. Make sense? Who cares? At any rate, this 'new thang' (to me, at least) will be much easier than trying to update that journal shite I was attempting. Ahhh, convenience....the boon and bane of modern man. Off to alter settings and the like. I will also try to bully a few people I semi-admire into joining me in this adventure. Ta-ta!!
Jett Superior laid this on you 7:37:57 PM :: scoop it ::

:::      ::::::      :::


 This site best viewed with IE5, but Dirk says that it works with Navigator as well. Just as you wish me not to punch you in the throat, I wish you not to swipe anything without my permission. It all belongs to me except where noted or linked and I sure hate to have to fuck somebody up for not respecting that.

Smile, toots....it's gonna be a great day!!


My publishing fairy is
Powered by a bit of rage, a bit of caffeine, and a nifty little tool called Blogger (but not necessarily in that order)