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The Citizen's Voice is a member of the new movement sweeping America. This movement is the conservative revolution. The conservative population of this country is no longer willing to sit idly by as they see their ideals and aspirations pushed to the side by a few radical leftists. This is not a blanket accusation against the left of trying to ruin the country. The majority of Americans in this new fight for the American dream of success and happiness through hard work and fair play are now teaming up with like-minded liberals. As Americans, we all have the dream to have a sucessful and meaningful life that we can be proud of. This ideal is being shattered by a few radicals and their agendas of "equality and diversity at all costs".

While equality and diversity is good, we cannot let ourselves be misled into thinking that abolition of ideals not to our liking is true diversity. Diversity is the multitude of ideas springing forth and taking shape. We as Americans are part of "the great experiment", which is the great melting pot. We are not a single type of people, we are many different groups and races that have come together for a single ideal of equality and fairness. The extremists of both sides of the political fence are guilty of thinking that other ideals and ways of thinking should be excluded for the good of society. A striking example of how both sides have reached the limit of intolerance is not hard to find. You can easily see how righests have gone overboard in the McCarthy era with trying to find communists. You can also see a recent example of the left trying this type of tactics just recently at UC Berkeley. David Horowitz submitted an ad to argue against reparations for the slave age. As a result of his ad in the school newspaper, campus radicals stormed the paper's office, demanded an apology and had a Nazi-style book burning outside the office. Both of these examples are proof postive that there are those among us in society that are unwilling to compromise on sensitive issues.

We as a society must go beyond these acts and work together towards a mutual good that both sides can agree on. We must band together as humans, and work toward a goal that the human race can be proud and say: This is the world that I live in.

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The Collegiate Network is an organization developed to support conservative newspapers on college campuses across the United States.