A Mother's Gift
By PommyStarChild
Chapter Two: The Gift Itself
On May 12, Sukura went to bed, sighing, and she closed her eyes.  Right when she did, a woman around say, 29 years old walked in.  She had white skin, black, luxurious, curly hair (much curlier than Madison's) and bright green eyes identical to young, green leaves.  She smiled at the sleeping girl, and slowly faded... 

Sukura's dream began...
She was standing in a bedroom that was like hers, but the furniture was different.  It was all either pastel blue or pastel pink, and a small section was lavender.  A small, blue bed stood in one corner, and an even smaller pink bed with raised sides somewhat like a crib was in another corner.  A young, beautiful woman walked in.  In one way Sukura had no idea who this lovely lady was, and in another way she had seen her every day of her life.  Suddenly she knew---this was her mother. Her mother walked up to the pink bed and whispered, "C'mon, Sukura, we're going on a little adventure." And from the depths of that pink bed, she pulled out an infinitely cute 2 or 3 year old, dressed in yellow overalls with pink buttons and a matching pink shirt, along with yellow socks and pink and white sneakers. Her silky hair was a pretty light brown, and her young green eyes matched her mother's perfectly. "Oh, how cute!" dreaming Sukura said. "Oh, wait, that's me."
"Mommy, what are we waiting for?" the young Sukura said, her adorable eyes shining up at her mother's in pure eagerness.  "I don't know," her mother said.  "Let's go."  "Hey, wait for me!" the older Sukura yelled. "I don't wanna be stuck with a 6-year-old Tori all day!" Passing herself in the mirror, she noticed that she was wearing an ensemble indistinguishable from her younger self. "I must be having one of my crazy dreams again." She thought to herself as she followed her mom and self.  Finally her mom stopped and both Sukuras took the time to notice their surroundings. They were in a little clearing, with half-grown saplings of cherry, maple, and a single pine tree.  Even if they were only half-grown, the cherry trees had about a zillion blossoms apiece.  Sukura's mother picked up a cherry blossom from the nearest tree.  "Sukura," she asked, "do you know what this flower is called?"
"Yup," little Sukura replied. "It's a cherry blossom." 
"Yes, but do you know what else it's called?"
"It's a sukura flower."
Little Sukura gasped. "It's my flower!" "Yes it is." Her mother agreed.

It was right then that Sukura's dream ended and a new one took its place, but the first dream that she had had would be the one she would wake up thinking about.  Her mother's spirit re-appeared next to her bed.  "Well, well, well, my little Cherry Blossom," she whispered, "you aren't a little girl anymore.  You have left childhood and achieved girlhood.  You have a wonderful personality, are smart, and responsible.  You even have magical powers, and you have met your love already, even if you do not know it."  She kissed Sukura on the forehead, and disappeared into the night.