Hello, My name's J-chot, and I am here to play you music. I make electronic music, and "traditional" music. When I say traditional music, I mean music that has real instruments in it, rather than synthesizers and samples. There are, however, drum machines in them.
When it comes to traditional music, I guess I'm a satireist of sorts, because I tend to not stick to one genre, and inevitably include humor of some sort in every single song I make. I can't help it.
     I still have trouble describing my electronic music to people, but "Electronica" is a nice catch-all phrase that works. Alot of my older stuff sounds like videogame music with breakbeats set to it. Some of it sounds like an orchestra of gameboys, and some of it sounds like an orchestra falling down a flight of stairs. Andjust recently, I've even begun to dabber in gabber....ha.
    Here are the Sites I currently host my Mp3s on:
Jchot.iuma.com -this is my older IUMA account, it has both "traditional" and electronic music. IUMA's service has become very poor, so I have moved on to soundclick which is 9 times better. This will no longer be updated with new songs, but has plenty of old ones, many not included on this page or my soundclick page.
John Verchot- Soundclick (non-electronic)-This is my new soundclick account with MUCH faster access than Iuma, and is where I will post my new songs.
J-chot- Soundclick-this is my soundclick account with my electronic music. This one has "the hits" and is where I will post all my new tracks.