30/06/09 The Confederacy's latest disc 'Rough Cuts,' was a work in progress throughout last year n' the beginnings of this one. Distribution to individual souls across the nation n' across the globe show signs that their are those who are listening. 'Rough Cuts,' was recorded rough n' raw at the hand of Rhett n' on his purchase of a digital recorder.


06/12/04 As you well know the beginning of this year saw Justin's time in the band come to an end and Dave's retirement announced. Pulled from the bands fanbase Dan journeyed from the Mountains and Mark from the Cliffs to unit n' complete the bands solid outfit. New material is currently being recorded.

08/09/04 You can purchase the bands CDs online through earshotmusic. GO THERE NOW!

29/06/04 The Band entered 'Awake In Misery,' into triple J's unearthed, you can check listings here.

Earlier this year alot of theft of the bands merchandise occured throughout local music stores. It seems this frenzy is now taking part in local radio as well.

14/03/04 Local Ian Busch of Primal Agony Webzine has written a review on 'Sea Of Agony,' check it out HERE n' scroll down the page til you come across it.

26/01/04 Wanna check out the Belgium point of veiw? Georges from Belguim's 'Pull The Chain' zine has reviewed our first studio release 'Blasphemy'. JUST CLICK.