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Rainbow Legal Issues

Last year in the Alleghenny National Forest Bill Baxter and Joeseph Green Feather received citations for violating the group use permit regulation. They have gone to trial and were found guilty and were fined $50 each. I believe they will proceed to a higher court where they will attempt to defend our first amendment rights. This is a free land. We do not have to be regulated to gather in peace. It is unconstitutional! "Click here" for more info on forrest regulations. There are all kinds of records in these files. Official and unofficial. Some of them date back to 1972, when our family first gathered.

The fourth of July double rainbow

Hitchhiking Across The Country

Spring '98

I have just hitched from State College, PA to Eugene, OR. It took me a whole week. I haven't hitched in about 4 years. It has changed a bit. The D.O.T. has made truck drivers have to have a signed release from their company to allow passengers. If they get caught with someone in their truck that isn't authorized they can get fined. Another thing that makes it more difficult is Nebraska and Wyoming do not allow hitchhiking. I got stuck in Rawlins,Wy. Had the police tell me no hitching and was directed to a truck stop, after having my name run through the computer. As i was walking i saw a frieght train come to a stop."Well the cop didn't say anything about trains," I said to myself. So I hopped a grain car and rode it over the divide and into Ogden,Ut. I had a good sleeping bag but the Continetal Divide was still cold. I got off the train in Ogden,UT. By this time my journey was getting close to a full week. I could have kept going by freight but it would have been close to another 48 hours on the rails. So I hopped on a Greyhound that brought me to the Oregon border, in a town called Ontario. From there I hitched a ride in a motorhome with a cranking sound system. The guy even drove me to the door of the house I was going to stay at.


A few things you should know about traveling on buses, trains and planes, at least if you have warrants. Your name is entered in computer when you purchase your ticket. It then gets checked by a police computer. If you have warrants they'll get you. Big Brother is watching!

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Links to Other Sites on the Web

Rainbow Events Ecolution100% Hemp clothing and resources
Nuclear Activism Essays of Life
Wise UpMarijuana Activism Rainbow Firecircle

The Ohio Hempery

Please check out this site if you love hippie chicks as much as i do.


Mini Review - Mama, I'm coming home! I have more kinks than almost anyone I'm fortunate enough to know, but there is still nothing that will make me stop in awe quite so quickly as the beauty of a natural woman. This website is all about showcasing the sensual Goddess within, that needs no "window dressing". The women here are unshaven, without makeup, and photographed romping in the great outdoors. I'm estimating that there are around 4800+ pics on the site featuring many different body types, and all of them celebrated. You'll find lots of pics with women having long flowing hair, dreds, bare feet, and clothes very reminiscent of the 60's. One of the models does shave, and there are a few shots showing glasses or piercings. The photos are often artfully shot, and it is easy to imagine that you are looking at an image of a forest sprite caught by a quick camera man. I love this site, and I love the message of natural confidence and beauty that it is all about. -- Vamp 'Janes Guide Review' 02/09/2002 CDnow

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This page was created September 25 1997.

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