Teridyne Logo
What's Teridyne?
Booking Info
The CD



If you are interested in booking Teridyne, here's what you can do.  You can fill out this form and hit the submit button.  That will send it to our email account.  Or, you could just email us at teridyne@hotmail.com.  Either way, you'll get a hold of us.  The email account will be checked at least once a day, if not more.  So, if you have the need of a band to play, and you think that Teridyne is it, drop us a line.  Thanks.

Your e-mail address:


The when, where, and why.  And maybe how you heard of us, and a contact number or email so that we can get back to you:

What is Teridyne?  | Pictures | Us | Lyrics | Booking Info | The CD | Feedback