Ancient Star Wars History

12,000,000,000 - The Big Bang; the universe is created, including the Star Wars galaxy.  Out of the Great Void came the universe, its’ galaxies, star systems and suns.  Everything that exists, and will ever exist, was spawned from the primordial plasma of time’s beginning.  Over billions of years planets formed and life arose through a steady progression of increasingly complex organisms.  Woven into and intertwined with all of this – from the smallest molecule to the largest star – was the Force.  Symbiont and residing within cells in all life forms are the Midichlorians, a microscopic life form that is intertwined with the Force.  These tiny life forms communicate with the Force and reveal it’s will.

7,500,000,000 - The Yavin system is formed.

2,000,000,000 - One theory of the creation of the Oseon System is during this period of time, a rogue star passes too close to the system, and its gravity well disrupts the planet - forming process which causes the Oseon asteroid belt.

3,000,000 - An asteroid collision with the planet Vinsoth wipes out the largest mammals of the planet.  Smaller species survive, and eventually evolve into the Chevin species.

2,006,200 - Like most other animals on Columus, the Columi evolve to make use of this muddy world.  Their ancestors were herbivorous lizards that, with the aid of a rather buoyant belly, crawled through the marsh on four webbed feet.  Soon, the lizards developed the ability to stand on their hind legs in order to pull fruit and leaves out of the trees.

2,004,200 - The Columi learn to lay their eggs in the trees to better protect them from predators.  Following that development, the Columi begin living almost entirely in the trees, developing hands in place of claws and evolving a prehensile tail in place of the heavy caudal appendage that they had dragged around as quadrupeds.

2,002,200 - The Columi learn to use tools, and begin a rapid series of evolutionary developments – loosing their tails and gaining a bipedal stance – that leads towards true sentience.

2,002,000 - The Columi learn to mine metals and other raw materials from the bedrock, and they start to build cities that rise high above the tree and mud, supported on great pylons.  Over the next few thousand years, Columi technology advances as rapidly as had their evolution.

2,000,000 - Beggar’s Canyon is formed on Tatooine, a result of three rivers joining in a valley. The Columi are among the first star-faring races in the galaxy.  Disappointed to find barbarian races on other worlds (if even that), the Columi soon give up space travel and returns to Columus to develop their own race.

1,000,000 - The Hutts evolve on Varl, a barren, pock – marked planet circling the white dwarf Ardos.  According to Hutt legend, both they and the planet Varl are the only surviving witnesses to a great celestial tragedy.  Varl was once a lush, forested world whose azure skies were crossed by two suns, Ardos and Evona, who were lovers and gods in the Hutt mythology.  These gods ruled the system in peace until Evona was lured into collision with a tiny black hole and perished.  The other planets mourned her death, colliding violently and crushing each other into asteroids, many of which then crashed into Varl’s surface.  Ardos, in agony over the loss of his mate and the destruction of his children, began to self – destruct, and he ejected his gaseous shell, searing Varl in the process, eventually condensing into the white dwarf he is today, a god no longer worthy of the Hutts’ respect.  That story offers important insight into the Hutt’s exalted view of their own species.  Evona died; the Hutts survived.  Ardos withered; the Hutts survived.  Fire, heat, and meteoric rain nearly destroyed their own planet; still, the Hutts survived.  Surely this proves their greatness, say the Hutts.  Surely this means that they are destined to be gods, more powerful than the gods before them.  Future Imperial astronomers easily point to the impossibilities inherent in the Hutts’ legend, but this much is true: Varl, and only Varl, orbits the dwarf star, Ardos.  And there are lots of asteroids in the system.  A more likely explanation, handed down through the years by starship pilots and galactic explorers, is that the Hutts destroyed the planet themselves, embroiling it in a civil war of such vicious ferocity that only a Hutt could comprehend it.  Whatever the nature of the catastrophe, the Hutts survived, and managed to regain sufficient power and technology to relocate from the barren wastes of Varl to the paradise of Nal Hutta, a large, terrestial planet in the Y’Toub system, in the center of an area of the galaxy now known as “Hutt Space”. Killiks, an insectoid race, evolves on the planet Alderaan.  The Killiks have four arms, each terminating in a powerful three – fingered claw, and two stout legs that appeared capable of leaping large distances.  The Killiks construct monolithic hive castles that would last for millennia. The Corellian system is artificially created using planetary repulsors.  One prominent theory is that the original creators of Centerpoint Station constructed it when their own star had begun to go supernova.  Once they arrived at the star Corell, they moved planets into orbit to give themselves a new place to live.  Each planet in the Corellian system also has a planetary repulsor on it which would have helped the tractor – repulsor to organise the planets into orbits.

500,000 - The Devaron race develop star-travelling capability.

300,000 - The height of the Gree civilization.  An alien race, the Gree resemble large, six-tentacled cephalopods. They are covered with gray skin which is often tattooed, especially around their large, bulbous heads.  The brain case of the Gree hangs in a sac-like appendage from the back of their head, and seems to draw their huge foreheads even longer.  They have no mouth, per se, but instead there is a series of fleshy folds beneath their eyes that serves as a vocal communication method.  The foremost pair of tentacles are used for manipulation of objects, while the middle pair is used for heavy work. The rear pair is used for locomotion, and they appear to be shambling mounds of flesh when they move.  The Gree civilizatizon is immensely old (it is rumored to be hundreds of thousands of years old and was well past its prime when the worlds were discovered by the Old Republic).  They have a technology which is vastly alien to that of the rest of the galaxy, and has its roots in music and the Gree physiology.  They developed the knowledge of quanta - technology and dimensional engineering (which defied future Imperial scientists).  Their views of technology are biased, and the Gree find little use for droids and computers, which they consider unimportant.  The Gree however, were undone by their technology, falling victim to the ability to use it rather than improve on it.  The discovery of life - extending technology further accelerated their decline, until they no longer knew or cared about their own devices.  The technology collapsed when none of the Gree could maintain it, and the Gree isolated themselves from the galaxy.  Little is known about their life cycle and customs, although it was discovered that their number system is based on the number 14 - the number of suction cups on each tentacle.  They guard the Gree Enclave jealously, and any ship passing through it often disappears.

100,000 - The ancient Sith race begins to develop their distinct culture and civilisation. Galactic City, later known as Republic City and Imperial City is built on Coruscant.  The city is built on an eons old battlefield between the ancient Taungs and the Battalions of Zhell.

95,000 - Most seedy taverns on the lower forty to fifty levels of (present day) Coruscant’s underground see the sun for the last time this year.

50,000 -  The Yevethan species, young compared to others in the galaxy, gain sentience.

30,000 - A large lake is formed by the impact of a huge meteor on the planet Alderaan.  The capitol of Alderaan, Aldera would be built on an island in the middle of the lake.  The impact of the meteor wipes out the Killik race.  Humans begin to evolve on Alderaan not long after.  Many of the planet's dignitaries would be housed in Aldera, and the famous Alderaan University would also be situated there.  Bail Organa would once maintain a palace in the city, where his study overlooked the lake and was surrounded by gardens.

26,000 - The planet Kintan is conquered by the Hutts The Verpine colonise the Roche asteroid field. The Vontor Treaty is signed, binding the Klatoonian, Vodran, and Nikto races to the Hutts as permanent slaves.  A Barada M’Beg represents the Klatoonians in the negotiations, and becomes so revered by future generations that they name their sons after him.

25,130 - The tyrant, Xim the Despot begins his reign as leader of his personal empire.  The planet Dellalt is a shining Jewel in his mighty empire.  Xim’s defeated subjects, cowed by his military might, offer extravagant gifts and tributes from their worlds.  To house his plunder, Xim commissions a vast network of vaults and chambers to be built on Dellalt.  Xim’s treasure arrives aboard the ‘Queen of Ranroon’, guarded by his war droids and a brotherhood called “the survivors”.

Part 1
