Right, I suppose I'd better explain why this site actually exists! On the 31st of January, 2002, in the UK, the last titled episode of The Bill ("Set in Stone") was screened. This marked the beginning of the serialisation of The Bill. The episodes now no longer have titles, but instead are given serial numbers such as 001, 002 etc. However, this makes it extremely difficult for fans who use the BILLfans.net forum (the official forum has now closed) to discuss episodes that have been broadcast. It's fine discussing them at the time, but how can you refer to an episode shown four weeks ago when saying how much you like it, or that you wanted a copy of it, when you have no idea what the title was?
We talked to our contact at The Bill studios, and suggested the idea of there being titles for the fans so that episode discussions and references can still be used, but nothing shown on the actual program when broadcast. This has worked in other fandoms, and we thought that it might work here. However, because the changes are already in place, it has been noted that it will be rather difficult to make any impact on the decision now that it has been carried out. A petition has been organised, but we need a system that would work for the moment, and perhaps in the long term if the petition was ignored.
This is it.
Confused? So you should be! ;) A lot of people have replied to my post on the forum suggesting that we, the fans, make up the titles ourselves. However, because they aren't official titles, it might be harder for people to remember which title refers to which episode. So, that's why this site is here. Each episode shown after the 31st January 2002 will be given a title by moi, the webmistress. This title will be listed in a table on the Episode Listings Page.

Episodes will be listed in order of air-date in the
UNITED KINGDOM. Each listing will consist of the date the episode was aired in the UK, the tag-title given to each episode and a brief description of the episode. Also, if permission is given, I will also list the serial number for each episode created by Jennywren and Sierraoscar for their episode websites, so that if people want a more comprehensive episode guide, or a recommendation about the watchability of the episode, they can go to those websites and find the right episode. Then that way people who have missed an episode, but know what it was about, or missed an episode but knew the air-date can find out what it was called so they can ask on the forum for a copy.

Anyone else running episode listings sites please feel free to take these tag-titles and use them as titles for the guides on your sites. The idea of their existence is to make life easier for the fans.
Right, I think that's about it...
Oh yeah...
If you notice that one of the titles on here has been used in an episode before, please point it out. Also if you have a problem with one of the titles names either because it is offensive or upsetting, please e-mail me about it and I will change it. Thank you.
Having trouble?
If you are having difficulty accessing this site, please contact the webmistress (BH) and point it out! I'll just blame it on Geocities    (Only joking, please do point out any problems/mistakes/very embarrassing typos!) Thankyou.
Now I s'pose you'll want to actually access the site now!
Go to the Episode Listings Section
Finding Episodes
If you wish to search for a particular episode, please use the 'Find' (Ctrl+F) function on your browser if you have IE, or whatever find function you have with Netscape. Type in either the air-date, episode title, serial-number (from SO/JW's sites) or one of the *main* characters in the episode, and hopefully, according to theory, the finder should cycle through all the matches on the page. If it's not on that page, go to the next one! I know it's time-consuming, but I don't have the space/knowledge to put up a proper search thingo. *apologetic grin*
Click here to return to main page