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Touched by Stories
a series of stories that will touch your heart

One Christmas

Annie rushed through town looking for the perfect gift for her husband Jim... and well there was nothing special she could get for $1.87, the money she had saved by saving pennies everyday, by asking the butcher to charge her less, and by all different ways. Still, she had only managed to put together a mere $1.87... She couldn't get Jim very much.

She wanted to get him something special, and in the window of a store she saw a perfect gift for Jim. She saw the loveliest platinum chain that would look excellent hanging from his watch, a watch that was very special and dear to him for it had been passed down through the family for generations... but she didn't have enough money. She hopelessly walked around town when suddenly she saw this little store that had a sign

We Buy Hair For Wigs

So she sadly walked into the store and asked to have her hair cut and sold. She had the most beautiful hair that she loved... but she had it sold and she got $20 for it. Now, she would have enough money to buy a beautiful present for Jim... though, she did feel quite sad upon giving up her hair and wasn't quite sure if Jim would be horrified about her doing that. She went to the store and bought the beautiful platinum chain for Jim, the fact that Jim would be able to wear something so lovely brought her great joy.

When she got back home with the present she was terribly nervous about Jim's reaction to her short hair. Jim walked in the house a few minutes later and was stunned when he saw his wife. She couldn't make out from the expression on his face what he felt. He looked neither angry, nor horrified... in fact he looked sadder than ever.

She explained, 'Please don't be mad at me that I sold my hair Jim, but I had to so that I could get you a Christmas present, and had I not got you a Christmas present, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself....'

Jim sat down on the couch...' I would never love you less, no matter what happened to you, it would never change the love I have for you, but its just that...' he felt this hopelessness and was unable to explain his sadness. So he gave his wife her present and asked her to open it. In the box Annie found the two most lovely hair combs and then understood Jim's despair. For now how would she wear these hair combs...? She put her arms around him and they held each other...

"Don't worry Annie, you still look beautiful and in no time your hair would have grown all back...."

"Now you open what I got you..." In the Box Jim saw the most beautiful chain for his watch. With a big smile on his face Annie asked Jim to quickly put it on, but Jim just tilted his head back in to the arm chair and wore a soft smile, he said, "Annie I don't have the watch anymore... I sold it to buy your combs..."

"but you loved that watch Jim..."

"no I love you annie..."

And they held each other.

This might seem like a foolish story coz both of them couldn't use their gifts but the amazing part is that when you love someone dearly, be it your parents, friend, spouse... all that matters is to see them happy... because their happiness can fill your heart with unbelievable joy.

That is the gift of love... The gift of giving ... beautiful is it not?

Truth is within ourselves; it takes no rise from outward things, whatever you may believe there is an innermost center in us all: where truth abides in fullness.

Ms Terri Jones emailed me the supposedly original story by O'Henry, click here for the story (original email from Terri Jones, unedited). (updated 26 November 2002)

Judge each day not by the harvest, but by the seeds you plant

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