The Law


Home Page

The Law

Free Men

Free Women

Bonds Maids

These Laws, set down by the Jarl are final and may only be changed by Him

The AxeHolme,SR tag shows You are a Member of this Torvaldsland Outpost, an Isle Where only the Most Hardy of Men and Women can Live. Wear them with Pride and be True to the Isle and Torvaldsland. The color of the tags shall be left to the choice of the individual


A/all prospective M/members of the Holme shall provide a complete bio to the room administrators along with T/thier application. bonds maids/slaves who are captured whilst travelling to the Holme unauthorized shall also submit a bio within 3 days.


The capture of A/any P/person travelling to the Holme, including the death or collaring of that person shall be scripted, and the scripts posted in every major Gor site. Gamers will not be tolerated, nor shall they go unknown.


The Jarl believes that Frees need to know what bonds-maids know, if a bonds-maids can learn it so can a Free. All Frees will be asked to read Marauders of Gor. In order to better appreciate what Torvaldsland is about. New Members will need to demonstrate active participation as a Torvaldslander, before Membership is confirmed


The Holme is not a Paga Tavern or Inn. The Main Hall is the Jarls Long House located overlooking the ships landing, The Hall is permanently Guarded by the Most Loyal and Highly Trained Warriors on the Holme. There is a protocol to follow before entering the Hall of the Jarl, make sure You know it and tailor your actions and comments accordingly.


Gor would die without the bonds-maids/slaves, they come here willingly, train them, use them and punish them if needed, but always remember they choose to serve You. Don't let bonds-maids work to give You a pleasing serve go unnoticed.


The commonly accepted method for the Torvaldslanders to grade bonds-maids is as follows;


They are not Graded, a bonds-maid is to a Torvaldslander simply that! a beast, property, owned! There for the use of Free Men in whatever way They choose. No bonds-maid remains unbranded nor is she ever released from her bondage. Neither does she remain unknown to Man far beyond her branding. This is the truth of a bonds-maid, she works for her Master by day and is pleasing in the furs by night.

However, We understand that online Gor needs some method of grading slaves. In order to comply to this accepted system, the Isle of the Axe will grade bonds-maids as follows:


E.g., *~bonds maid~*{AxeH}

kettle and mat


In this example the bonds-maid is collared by Holme, she is not a virgin shown by the Red color of her collar. The her grade shows she is restricted and therefore is only available to fur with her Jarls permission, and that she is an experienced bonds maid yet still is receiving training for perfection is not an easy goal.


The Availability of bonds maids on he Isle will be indicated by the 2nd line of her tags


Kettle (new to Gor No or little experience, may not fur Any but her owner. They may Not serve with Heat and will study foods and drinks, and the method or preparation and serving. in preparation for upgrading they will also begin under Trainer guidance preparation for the kettle and mat grade test which will include knowledge of rules, positions and serves. to become a kettle and mat a girl must also prepare a dance and perform it at her upgrade)

Kettle and Mat (girls of this grade will be expected to serve with heat, they may be furred by Home members with their Owner/Jarls consent. It is also permitted that a Kettle and Mat may be given to pleasure a Honoured guest if her Owner/Jarls permits. They are to continue thier studies and learn fully the ways of the northern bond maid and the Torvaldslanders. They will continue thier dance training and will need to have written and performed 3 dances to be accepted for the upgrade test to mat. At this grade also bonds maids will begin training as healers)

mat (No restrictions, unless restricted by her owner she may actively seek to alcove Any Free man of a recognized Homestone once the Jarl has granted Him mat ( fully trained and unrestricted in any way this bonds maid may, and is encouraged to actively seek the service and pleasure of Men from a recognised Homestone and Who have been granted Guest right by the Jarl.(subject to Owners restrictions, Owners May also include a list of approved FM with whome His girl may fur coin from this service will of course go to the owner not the Holme) Thier knowledge of Torvaldsland and all things expected of a bond maid is extensive. They will have basic and intermediate knowledge of healing , and of course may be called upon to act as )


It should be noted here that in a book version of the Torvaldslanders all bonds were the property of the Jarl primarily, and He chooses where to bestow them. The Isle However accepts that online Private collars are used and will continue to permit them. However owners are urged not to restrict thier girls totally, all bonds will be required to serve the Isle.


1. All bonds maids captured in the Holme will wear the {AxeH} collar for a period of 2 weeks then go to the personal collar of the Free person Who captured them. These bonds maids will start off as kettle only, until an application is received and their knowledge can be determined for upgrading. No bonds maids, will be upgraded without the Jarl's approval. Upon her advancement to kettle and mat, the bonds maid may be given or sold to Any Free person of the Holme or a to a Guest at the Jarl's discretion.


2. All bonds maids who are brought in by new Members will complete an application and be evaluated. They will initially be allocated a level equivalent to their previous silks. However Owners will place them in kettle Prohibiting their use in the alcove to Owner only until their evaluation by the Trainer and Jarl is completed and they have shown a comprehensive knowledge of the Holme's slave rules and protocol.


3. Any slave bought by Members and brought to the Holme, will be subject to the same rules as those in rule #2 above.


4. Free Women of the Holme will conduct themselves in a Gorean Manner or be subject to punishment, up to and including bannishment. This does not mean that they are expected to be silent and without opinion, simply that they need take care in their expression.


5. Each Free Person is expected to read, and know all of the Holme's pages. It is Your duty to bring Honor and prosperity to The Holme. Free Men will be expected to place The Holme above all other associations, on Gor. The Holme will not tolerate Outside interference. The Holme will deal with its own.


6. Anons will be asked to choose an appropriate name, if they do not do so, they will just be ignored. No fuss made.(Anons who reveal themsleves to be Goreans in anyway shall be treated as captives and dealt with accordingly)


7. Non-Goreans with strange names will simply be greeted and asked to take a name more suitable. If they do not, they will be ignored.


8. Everyone must request and receive permission from the intended recipient of a Private Message (PM) before they may send a PM.

The Jarl may PM A/anyone at any time, no permission needed.

Citizens of the Isle may PM any bonds maid/thrall only after permission has been granted for the bond maid to recieve such from the Jarl,Steward, Mistress of keys or the bonds Owner (please note inappropriate PM's will be passed on to the Jarl or Owner)

Visitors be they Free or slave must ask before Pming any Room M/member and may only PM any bonds maid/thrall after permission has been granted for the bond maid to recieve such from the Jarl,Steward, Mistress of keys or the bonds Owner (please note inappropriate PM's will be passed on to the Jarl or Owner)

All activity between Fms and Fws of a Furring nature will be strictly in PM

All furring of slaves by Frees shall be taken to PM, heated serves are not included in this, until the serve is completed.

(The use of a phrase such as, "draws the furs over U/us" adequately covers the move to PM)

No Master may require a slave, other than His own property to Dance in Private

All unauthorized PMs are to be posted open room by the recipient, no exceptions, (In this, the Jarl's Law shall override the command of a Free,)

Any Free Commanding a slave to break the Jarl's Law will face judgment.



9. There shall be no Profanity, nor use of Anglo-Saxon Expletives in the Holme. Offenders shall be ignored by A/all

10. bonds maids/thralls shall be addressed by name, (including pet name), as girl , lass, lil one, trik, tre'sha or such. The use of derogatory or degrading address associated with BDSM is to be avoided


11. Greeting order

a. The Jarl (unless privately owned, then the slaves Master first)

b. The Steward

c. Free Men of The Holme

d. Visiting Free Men (Only after they have been greeted by the Jarl)

e. Free Women of the Holme

f. Visiting Free Women (this Includes those captives awaiting collar or ransom)

g. Bonds-Maids/thralls of the Holme

h. Visiting slaves (including those in the bonds-maids circle awaiting the collar)


12. A slave must obey the commands of any Free. Therefore, a Free Woman can countermand the instructions of a Free Man concerning dress or behavior, if that offends the sensibilities of Free Women. Free Men are required to safe guard the virtues of Our Free women in this Matter. (NB such Commands given by Fws last only whilst Fws are Present in the Hall unless a FM considers it appropriate to make it permanent)

12a. A Free Woman of The Holme Who behaves in a manner in which she is seen to be setting herself above Her female status, shall in the first instance be taught Her place. In order that this can be done in a manner to safeguard Her Character in Future (post punishment) She shall be Drawn into PM..the Punishing FM shall in PM have her strip and will then hood and gag her. At this point she shall leave The Isle in Her normal Character and return immediately named only as {Hooded and Gagged}. The FM shall then drag the stumbling wench to the ice house where her body shall be chained to the ice. She shall remain in there for a maximum of 3 days or until she has begged release and served Her captor naked (though masked) as a bonds maid, to demonstrate Her penitance, once. A tarks bit shall be tied about her belly where she shall keep it as a reminder. When released she shall be permitted the dignity of being released anonymously to return at her leisure in Her normal Character. (NB She may not be furred, under punishment)


13. Non-Goreans hold no status in the Holme and may be acknowledged or ignored at any Goreans discretion


14. Anyone observing (~o~/~O~) will be assumed to be Non-Gorean until they prove otherwise by word and/or deed. Any O/observer found by questions or actions to be of Gor MAY BE CAPTURED if they begin to interact or in anyway cause a disruption to the room


15. No Free shall be considered a Citizen of The Holme until they have sworn allegiance to the Jarl in a public ceremony and in the presence of The Jarl or The Steward


16. Non-Citizens are Enemies until by ritual they recieve Guest right


17. Slaves are never allowed to touch or board a ship, without the express permission of a Free Member of the Isle. To do so shall be considered attempted escape and treated accordingly


18. The Holme does not recognize OOC characters or comments made OOC. If you have something you need to say that is not part of the role-play, take it to PMs.


19. The Holme, recognizes the Raid and Combat Rules, as laid out in Our entry page, these based upon those employed in Scagnar etc.(No Other form of Rules for combat will apply at any time within this Holme) The Holme recognises the unwilling captive rules contained therein, and will apply such in event of A/any captive taken from the Holme.


20. The Holme recognizes Gorean Weapons only there are no exceptions, if your weapons are not recorded in the Books of Gor they are not permitted. If you try using a non-Gorean weapon you will be ignored. The Holms's Army employs tactics based upon the Earth historical records of Hoplites, Romans and Saxon, i.e.. the shield wall using spear, sword or axe and shield. Warriors of The Holme would be expected to be proficient in the use of these weapons as a personal choice.


21. All Death's in The Holme will be reviewed by the Jarl. His ruling final and will not be challenged. No kills or captures will be honored from No kill/Capture Homestones.


22. Kills or captures of FW or slaves will not be recognized unless

a. 2 FM Members are present. The Holme is a Full Kill/Capture Zone

b. The attacker or assailant has fully played a valid entry of not less than 4 posts to arrive at the Hall. (( Please note Tarns do not fly in Torvaldsland so there are no short cuts))


23. Slave punishment will be by their owners. The Holme's bonds maids will be punished by the Jarl or the Steward. Slaves who misbehave/disobey will be caged the event scripted and sent to council. (amendment:- undue harshness or mistreatment of slaves in this Holme will not be tolerated)

This Page contains the Law, where any other conflicting rules exist refere to the Law


24. The Holme is a Isolated Volcanic Isle, the only way to approach is by sea, and there is only the harbour that permits a suitable landing place..the remainder of the coast is sheer cliffs falling thousands of feet beneath the seas. The Hall stands atop the rim of a cliff overlooking the Harbour, and Guarding the precipitous path from the Harbour to the Hall. To landward is the fertile basin of the extinct Volcano. Peaceful Visitors and Invited guests are welcome...however those with a less peaceful temprement should be aware that We shall defend Our Home and its people with Deadly force

(( Please note that in event of attack the summoning of Our defense using MSN, Q or other such medium is acceptable as in the Holme Warriors sleep and rest within the Hall thus would be readily available}}

AxeHolme | The Law | Free Men | Free Women | Bonds Maids

Date Last Modified: 10/5/2004