About Me

Name: Mimi
Age: 12.. -.- I'm young...
Location: Canada
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Black
Nationality: Taiwanese/Chinese
Personality: Cocky, nice to most people, very very VERY bad temper
Likes: Cats... all diffy cats, Tala[duh], Johnny Enrique[Majestics],
Poetry, writing, drawing, sketching, reading romances[-.-]
Dislikes:Kai[really really hate], Reality Shows

Hi, I'm Mimi, my sister calls me Mimo, her posters of Aaron Carter will die for that.
Anyway! I'm a big fan of anime and manga, probably the ONLY one in my whole school.
I've been to councillers, a "art" therapist, and I'm sure they all think I'm crazy
yet mature. And hateful! ^.^;;; I'm a vegatarian, so I kinda eat noodles with veggies a lot.
And it's very hard for me to make friends[in my school anyway] everyone calls me a freak
and erm... I'm like an advisor, some people come to me, talking about their problems.

I have a cat, dog and hamster. [Kidy, Nike, Whiskers]