Film - T-Bone Productions, Inc.


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T & T Films
Our first-ever production, a short film titled "Front Window", was completed this spring, though as luck would have it, posting clips online for all of you to view is proving to be the most difficult task. It's likely we'll have stills (pulled from video) posted first. Keep checking back for updates!

Next, we are still in the writing phase (though it's finally starting to wind down) of our first feature-length film, "Beautiful Stranger", a dark parody about an alien, posing as a human, who disrupts the lives of four college students. We are no longer anticipating when pre-production will begin or when the film is likely to be released; currently, we're trying to speculate when we can move services to LA.

Click here to view other projects also in the works.

Or read about our amateur short films and sketches.

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