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Normal Levels


I cannot really tell a very big difference in the graphics of the levels, but they do look much much bigger than the ones in THPS3. Last year when I was reading about how THPS3's levels were "huge" and "amazingly big" or whatever, when I got my game, they were no where near "huge" and "amazingly big". Well, hopefully that will change in THPS4. Also, now you will be able to talk to the pedestrians, who some will give you goals to complete, and pro skaters, who also give you goals. At first, the levels may look a little barren, but as you complete goals, ramps and obstacles will appear onto the stage. Sometimes it will be the skater that gave you the goals who brings them out. Cash is also making it's return to THPS4. It sounds to me like the levels of THPS4 are going to be much better than any of the levels in the other three games.


The levels as I know them now are:


The Zoo


The College Campus