Week 5

This week we can add 6-8 glasses of water a day. Adding lemon really helps if you don't like water. You can also grab a bottle of Dasani and just keep refilling it from the water fountain at work. For more ideas:

Dehydration-the effects of not drinking enough water.
How much water do you need? Here is a Hydration Calculator
20 Tips for getting your water daily

Reward: Scrapbooking day with a friend

Week 6

Just like planning exercise made exercise easier, so will planning snacks make healthier eating easier. When we get hungry for a snack, we grab what is in front of us. Usually that is cookies, chips or pop. To help think of different options, make a list of healthy snacks and put it on a cabinet door. Use that list to help with grocery shopping. Make sure your healthy snacks are easy to get. Cut up vegies and keep them in the fridge. Have your fruit bowl in sight. Keep yogurt, cottage cheese and string cheese on a visible refrigerator shelf.

Here are some healthy snacks sites:
Healthy Snacks from a diabetic site
Snacks for the whole family
Article: The Grazing of America
Healthy, Tasty Snacks

The Reward:Spend some time listening to music and playing the piano

Week 7

Remember growing up, Mom always had either a fruit or vegetable salad before dinner. It's an easy way to help get those 5 a day. This week we can experiment with different salads for every dinner. Use fat-free, low calorie dressing so you won't lose any of the health benefits of your salad. Ideas for different salads can be found below, but be warned some of the fruit salad recipes below are not low fat. But they sound devine.

Salad ideas:
Salad recipe.com
Salad Recipes

The Reward:I will be making extra time for my favorite hobby, writing.

Week 8

This week we will be adding whole grain cereals & breads to the pasta & brown rice. Frozen whole wheat bread dough is delicious warm, no butter. Be careful when shopping for whole grain bread at the stores. Make sure they have at least 3 grams of fiber per serving. Cereal with whole grains like raisin bran and low fat granola, is also great. Oatmeal and cream of wheat have been added to my breakfast menus. A bonus is most of those hot cereals are high in iron. Cornmeal, bulgar wheat, couscous and a variety of other grains boost your fiber intake, fill you up, and provide much needed nutrients.

Fitting in your whole grains
The Whole Grain Truth
Cook's Thesaraus- Grains

The Reward:I will take a whole day to be alone this weekend while hubby watches the kids. I can use it to reflect on the past month and make goals for the coming month. And to have fun, too.

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