Health is one of the most important goals you can have. If you are not healthy you will not be able to accomplish your other goals as well. Fatigue and sickness take your drive away. I used to think it was prideful to take care of my body. Now I realize I need to take care of myself in order to take care of others.

10 Daily Steps to Improve Your Health

Are you looking for an online free health journal? I use Fit Day.

This journal allows me to track my weight and health. I select foods and it tells me how many fat, calories, and nutrients I am getting in my day. I type in my exercise and it lets me see how many calories I am burning. It contains a journal notepad to write thoughts on my health journey. I highly recommend this journal.

I thought I'd list my favorite books that helped me lose weight. All use the same basic concept of listening to your body, only eating when you are hungry and stopping when you are satisfied.

Thin Again by Arthur and Judy Halliday
The Ten Habits of Naturally Slim People by Jill H. Podjasek
Eating Awareness Training by Molly Groger
When You Eat at the Refrigerator Pull up a Chair by Geeneen Roth- This book is subtitled 50 Ways to Feel Thin, Gorgeous and Happy When You Feel Anything But.

What do all these books have in common? They all are against dieting to lose weight. Dieting doesn't have a great track record does it? If it worked we wouldn't be trying to lose weight again. Instead the books say we should listen to our body.

First we need to wait until we are actually hungry, not a little bit hungry, but empty. If we want to eat, but are not physically hungry, we need to work on the psychological issues. Try praying, sitting on the couch trying to figure out the feelings that are making you want to eat, read, take a walk, write in your journal. Make an alternative activity list for those times you want to eat, but aren't hungry.

Now it's time to ask your body what it wants to eat. Put your hand on your stomach and find out what sounds good. No food is off limits. Diet foods are not necessary. Pick the best tasting food for you at the moment.

Once you are hungry, you need to sit at the table. Yes, the table. Not in the car, on the couch, standing up, sitting at the computer. Reduce the distractions. Turn off the Tv. Say a little prayer then it is time to eat.

Start sampling your food and rating it. Eat the best part first, that way if you get full, you won't be as tempted to continue eating. Eat slowly, savoring each bite. Breathe in the fragrance. Feel the texture on your tongue. Really enjoy your food.

When you feel satisfied, stop eating. Not when you are stuffed or feel gorged, but when you feel comfortable. Push the plate away, cover it with a napkin, or walk away. Just stop eating that food.

If you eat when your body wants to and eat what your body wants, you should melt down into your natural weight.

More Resources

Breaking Free with Geneen Roth.

The No Diet Approach at Diet Talk

Thin Again information

Diet Damage Control

The No Diet Approach

International No Diet Day

The Solution

Thin Within

Last year I lost 16 pounds on my "Year of Health" Instead of some crash course, I am made one small change a week for the year and didn't gain any back. It was slow going, but I didn't want to yo-yo and lose health.
     I am used a health journal to keep track of my goals and progress. My health journal is just a blank journal. The first day of the new year I wrote down my measurements:weight, arms, waist, stomach, upper thigh and hips. I take the biggest measurement of each part, so I know exactly where I measured last time. I am planning on taking measurements once a month. I will not step on the scale more than that, so I don't get discouraged.
     Every morning I write down one or two goals for the day. Then I write what I accomplished for the day. I reward myself at the end of the week. I also include affirmations like, "I really like being in good shape! I take care of myself and keep myself fit."
  Now on to week 1...


Fitness Links

Body Island A magazine for all parts of your health

Benny Goodsport Fitness games and activities for kids

Dr. Andrew Weil 8 weeks to optimum health

CyberDiet Join their free online health club

Dietwatch Great health journal which calculates the food for you, lots of graphs, exercise journal, community help

Fitness Link Huge list of links, articles, fitness tip of the week

Fitness Online Fitness website from Shape and Men's Health magazines

Fluwatch Where is the flu near you?

Healthseek Bookstore, articles, news

Health World Online Nutrition, wellness, self care, and fitness centers

Healthy Ideas Guide from Prevention Magazine

In His Image Christian based weight control system

Internet Health Resources

Kids' Health Tips, information, activities for kids and parents

The On-line Allergy Center For allergy prevention and treatment

Overcoming Overeating Food isn't everything and there's more to you then dress size Nutrition for normal people

Veggies Unite Fun website for vegetarians

Weigh Down The official site for the Weigh Down Diet

You First A free online health assessment


Victory is not won in miles, not in inches.
Win a little now, hold your ground, and
later win a little more.

Louis L'Amour


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