Month 10

Week 45

Is getting up in the morning hard for you? That fatigue and irritability can last all day. We can start to have better mornings by going to bed earlier and waking up at the same time each day. We can also lay out our things the night before to lower stress levels. When I wake up I try to exercise first thing. It helps me wake up and I am more likely to fit exercise in. Then I like to have my prayer and devotional time to energize me spiritually. After a light breakfast of fruit and something else (cereal, cream of wheat, one piece of french toast, eggs with vegies, etc.) I am all set to face to day.

The Reward: A morning walk outside.


Week 46

You've added fun to your day, now make sure you add some time alone every day. You will get so stressed and probably make yourself sick by only giving to others and never taking breaks alone. I have a whole page on this in Self-renewal

The Reward: A whole afternoon to myself this weekend.


Week 47

I will experiment with desserts. I always need something sweet at the end of the meal to signify dinner is over. But brownies and ice cream aren't always the best choices. Maybe some hard candy to suck on for sweetness. Berries and whipped cream are always good. Fabulous Fruit
Dessert Recipes

The Reward: Have a brownie one of those nights. Have to have a treat once in awhile.

Week 48

It is Thanksgiving week. The beginning of the food season. This year lets try to enjoy the food without overloading ourselves. Thanksgiving dinner we can have a little bit of everything we like, but as soon as we get full- STOP! We can enjoy the conversations instead. Try tasting your food and eating the best parts first instead of last. So when you get full you can stop since you are sure that you ate the best already. And save room for dessert. In our family we usually eat pies a couple hours after dinner when we are not so stuffed. So this holiday season remember- Everything in moderation.

Heart Heatlhy Thanksgiving
Healthy Holidays
Healthy Holiday Traditions

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