本文へジャンプ 人名編 

(Liu Biao)のもとに身を寄せた劉備(Liu Bei)は、同族のよしみもあり劉表より多大な信頼を得ます。そうした折、劉備は劉表より後継問題での悩みを打ち明けられます。先妻の長子劉琦Liu Qi)は病弱で、後妻の産んだ子劉琮Liu Zong)は聡明で、劉表は影響力を持つ蔡氏(Cai Family)との関係からも跡継ぎを次子にしようかと考えていたのでした。劉備はこの話を聞き、長子に家督を譲らなければ国乱れるもととなると反対します。これを影で聞いていたのがわが子劉琮を後継にしようともくろんでいた蔡夫人(Lady Cai)でした。劉備はこの話題から避けるように部屋を去りますが、気がついたのは中年太りした自分の体でした。若きころの志いまだかなわず老い朽ちようとするわが身を劉備は嘆くのでした。これがいわゆる故事成語にもなった「髀肉之嘆」です。

Liu Biao 劉表 Liu Qi 劉琦
Chen family 陳一族 Cai family 蔡一族
Liu Zong 劉琮 Lady Cai 蔡夫人
Xucheng 許昌 
rule of primogeniture 長子相続制
Cai faction

"to set aside the elder for the younger is to take the way of confusion"

参考吉川英治「三国志」第4巻 孔明の巻:食客


Chapter XXXIV: Behind The Screen, Lady Cai Overhears A Secret; Across The Tan Torrent, The Dilu Horse Carries Its Master (第34話:蔡夫人、屏風を隔て内密の話を盗み聞く。的盧、劉皇叔を乗せ、壇渓を越える)

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

They drank on for a time till presently Liu Bei noticed that his host was weeping, and when he asked the cause of these tears, Liu Biao replied, "It is that secret sorrow I spoke of to you before. I wished to tell you, but there was no opportunity that day."

"O brother, what difficulty have you, and can I assist you? I am entirely at your service."

" My first wife, of the Chen family, bore me a son Liu Qi, my eldest.He grew up virtuous but weakly and unfitted to succeed me in my office. Later I took a wife of the Cai family, who bore me a son named Liu Zong, fairly intelligent.If I pass over the elder in favor of the younger, there is the breach of the rule of primogeniture.But if I follow law and custom, there are the intrigues of the Cai family and clan to be reckoned with.Further, the army is in the hollow of their hands. There will be trouble, and I cannot decide what to do."

Liu Bei said, "All experience proves that to set aside the elder for the younger is to take the way of confusion. If you fear the power of the Cai faction, then gradually reduce its power and influence, but do not let doting affection lead you into making the younger your heir."

Liu Biao pondered silent. But Lady Cai had had a suspicion why her lord had summoned Liu Bei and what was the subject of discussion, so she had determined to listen secretly.She was behind the screen when the matter was talked over, and she conceived deep resentment against Liu Bei for what he had said.

On his side, Liu Bei felt that his advice had fallen upon a forbidden subject, and he arose and walked across the room. As he did so he noticed that he was getting heavy and stiff, and a furtive tear stole down his cheek as he thought of the past. When he returned and sat down, his host noticed the traces of weeping and asked the cause of his sorrow.

"In the past I was always in the saddle, and I was slender and lithe.Now it is so long since I rode that I am getting stout, and the days and months are slipping by---wasted. I shall have old age on me in no time, and I have accomplished nothing. So I am sad."

"I have heard a story that when you were at Xuchang at the season of green plums, you and Cao Cao were discussing heroes. You mentioned this name and that to him as humans of parts, and he rejected everyone of them. Finally he said that you and he were the only two persons of real worth in the whole empire. If he with all his power and authority did not dare to place himself in front of you, I do not think you need grieve about having accomplished nothing."

At this flattering speech Liu Bei, as wine was getting the better of him and in a half maudlin manner, replied, "If I only had a starting point, then I would not be afraid of anyone in a world full of fools."

His host said no more and the guest, feeling that he had slipped up in speech, rose as if drunk, took leave, and staggered out saying he must return to his lodging to recover.



