89 Things About Me

1. Born 01/10/1978.
2. Middle Child.
3. Born in Detroit.
4. 50% German 50% Mexican.
5. Scared of Planes yet rides them frequently.
6. Been to Germany, France, Swizerland, Belguim, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United States, Mexico, Canada, Lebanon, Kuweit, Iraq.
7. Enjoyed Sweden, Spain, Mexico and Lebanon more then the rest.
8. Wants to go To Greece and Australia.
9. Still scared from planes.
10. Could live on Pizza, Fries, and Pepsi One.
11. Mmmmm bizr (seeds) -- kinda says it all.
1x. Hate even numbers, especially number 12.
13. Jason Voorhees is one of my favorite people.
1x. 14 is my second worst numbers.
15. Julius Ceaser is my other idol.
16. Stole this idea from Nadia.
17. Sorry Ladies, a girl stole my heart. As soon as the UPS gets here, I'll have it back!
18. Obsessed with hockey.
19. Steve Yzerman is the best thing to happen to detroit.
20. Also live on white chocolate, especially Hershey's Cookies 'n Cream.
21. Am hungry.
22. Played with DC Falcons in high school and MSU Spartans(2 games count :() during College.
23. Worked as: Gopher, Security for concerts, Accountant, Security for DGC, Valet, Waiter, Accountant, auditor.
24. OKIES suck... ya you!
25. Have a rap sheet.
26. Eminem rocks.
27. Speak english and spanglish fluently.
28. Kinda sorta speak spanish, german, arabic, and swedish.
29. Have a CPA (Certified Public Accountant), and currently working towards a Software Engineering degree from U of M.
30. Been told my eyes are my strongest assets. (also something else but I will keep this site rated PG for now)
31. Own (at the moment) 4 Cars.
32. Kris Draper is my favorite hockey player.
33. Thirty-Three is one of my favorite numbers.
34. Am bored so I'll keep going.
35. Own one dogs, a Golden Retriever called Smoothie.
36. He has, to date, chewed beyong recognition the following: USB cord of my dig cam, My TI 93+, My Mouse, My Remotes (2), my PS2 . . . will update as he chews more electronics.
37. Still hungry.
38. Own a motorcycle.
39. Served in the army.
40. Fought in a war.
41. Favorite color is green.
42. Am pretty self absorbed.
43. Am smart, sexy, hot... Take your pick
44. Am NOT a dumb blonde although I act it.
45. My first born son is gonna be named Spartacus Julius.
46. My second born daughter is for sale, click Here to place a bid.
47. The king of snake: high score 2789.
48. I'm also king of pinball: 1,301,000,000 (the 0s are estimates).
50. I have two kids, Aya and Aleks.
51. Squirrels...
52. Add BBQ sauce to just about anything, from fries and burgers, to pizza and rice.
53. Roller Coaster Tycoon® rocks.
54. Colorado Avs SUCK ASS.
55. Did I mention I am obsessed with Hockey yet?!?
56. Obsessed with hockey.
57. Mama's Boy.
58. Go DC Falcons, Go MSU Spartans.
59. St Louis Blues suck ass too.
60. Last time i was out of the States is 09/04/03 Oslo, Norway.
61. Hate the cold, unless there is a ski resort and/or ice arena nearby.
62. Very nice handwriting, if I wanted to, and if there is a magnifiying glass nearby.
63. Straight 4.0 student, 29 ACT comp score, with a 32 on my math I might add, my science score sucked ass though. Am a nerd
64. Algebra is my favorite subject in school, after lunch and gym off course.
65. Favorite quote from a song:"You see weed helps me get my thoughts together quick / But on the other hand, soon as I'm sober I forget" Nelly ~ Wrap Sumden
66. My fave non song quote:"She has more problems then a phone call can solve".
67. Aya is amazing, yifdaharishik, Aleks sucks.
68. So this chick is like 6 feet tall! wow she must take a few hours to shave her legs.
69. <- my buddy mr green.
70. Been diagnosed with O.C.D., everything has to be symmetrical and I have something against even numbers since I was 14(AH Second Worst number remember? NO? reread then.)
71. Mmmm Food.
72. Bored to death.
73. Played in high school: Football, Hockey, Soccer, Track, Wrestling, Tennis, Baseball. Big deal in everything but soccer because the Falcons sucked.
74. Currently employed as an auditor.
76. I have a secretary named Jessi.
77. Currently doing everything using a keyboard because my oh so adorable nephew hid the mouse.
78. Who the frick thought mouse was a proper name for it, why not rat? RATISM I TELL YA.
79. Been told I am a nasty guy with one thing on my mind... Can you guess?!?
80. My nephew's name is Kevin Hunter-R, His birthday is 02/20/00.
81. I am bored and I am still scared of planes.
82. Lousy speller.
83. My nephew is a pain in the ass.
85. Still very self absorbed.
86. Hey you, Ya you, pay attention and read all about me. Almost done..
87. Lost virginity at 14 but I was a good boy until I became a slut at 21.
88. Love Comcast® Cable.
89. Eighty Nine is my other favorite number.

WooHoo done, now you know more about me then you ever wanted to know
Remember that I love every single one of you ... but none of you are near my hotness.