I'm Soooo Happy

Do you know why? of course not - you're an idiot

Hello, I'm Monsdale's happy footer - don't tell him you've seen me here, okay? Only last night he beat me around the head for 'not being good enough'. I tell you, sometimes I just cry myself to sleep - but as I'm a happy footer I don't let it get to me!! ha ha ha!

My past times are:

Being at the bottom of pages

Being at the bottom of documents

God, I'm boring - why couldn't I be a headline? if you want to send me an E-mail send it to Monsdale - he'll pass it on. But don't tell him you love me or he'll get jealous - he beat up this Wordperfect document once because I just looked at him - the lovable scallywag!

Hi! I'm Monsdale's counter of sexual perversion*. The above figure represents the visitors to this site that have a strange and warped sexual habit. See you in hell - ha ha ha ha!

*This counter has also gone insane after breaking up with a calculator.

© 1997 monsdale@hotmail.com

Monsdale's main page, remember - don't say anything - he isn't on to us yet - lots of love, Happy Footer - X

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