useless knowledge

Sun Sign: Cancer

Current Age: 18; Freshman at Marlboro College

Gender: Male by nature; Undecided by choice

Locale: Berlin, Connecticut or Marlboro, Vermont (depending)

Height: 5'10"

Weight: Thin

Natural Hair Colour: Very Light Blonde

Current Hair Colour: Natural Blue Black, Pimpin' Purple, Virgin Snow, Flamingo Pink, and Fire Orange

Natural Eye Colour: Very Dark Brown

Current Eye Colour: Very Dark Brown

Favourite Colours: Green, Black and Hot Pink

Music: Babes in Toyland, The Cure, Underflowers, Fear of God, Megadeth, Rancid, Moussorgsky, Type O Negative, The Gathering, Stabbing Westward, Metallica, Celine Dion, My Dying Bride, Tori Amos, Danzig, Beethoven, Coal Chamber, Sepultura, Chopin, Drain STH, Iced Earth, Patti Smyth..

Current Employment: Dunkin Donuts

Sexual Preference: If I had sex, it'd probably be with one of the opposite gender

Ethnic BACKGROUND (American is a nationality): German/Prussian, Austrio-Hungarian, Slovak.. and of Gypsy descent..

Movies: U.H.F., Labrynth, The Crow, Romeo & Juliet, The Dark Crystal, Interview w/ a Vampire, Mary Reilly, Edward Scissorhands, Legend, What's Eaing Gilbert Grape?, PCU, Higher Learning, Silence of the Lambs, Mall Rats, Seven, Alice in Wonderland, Fantaisia, Disney's Beauty and the Beast... more that I can't think of off hand..

Television: Kindred: The Embraced (before it went off the air).. American Gothic re-runs..

Marital Status: Single

Significant-Otheral Status: Non-Existent

Authors: Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Dickenson, Henry David Thoreau, H.P. Lovecraft, Carlos Casteneda, Anton LaVey, Herman Hesse, Kurt Vonnegaut, Nietzche ..

Favourite Novel: The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne

Most Refered To Non-Fiction: Vampires: The Occult Truth - Konstantinos

Favourite Poem: Much Madness is Divinest Sense

Anime Favourites: Sailor Moon, Vampire Princess Miyu, Record of Loddoss Wars, Oh! My Goddess..

Interesting Activities Partaken During High School Period of Life: 4 yrs Frosh, JV, Varsity Football; 2 yrs Varsity Tennis, 4 yrs Student Council Member, 2 yrs Class Treasurer, 2 yrs Student Council Treasurer, (Eagle) Boy Scout, Honours Student, Class Individual, School Newspaer Staff..

Most Interesting Yet Unnoticable Physical Feature: Mildly Webbed Fingers..

Career Goals: Writer/Journalist

Former Religious Institutions: Baptised & Confirmed Lutheran, Wicca

Current Religious Institution: None..

Liesure Time Activities: Listening to Music and Seranading Himself, Writing, Studying, RPing on IRC Dalnet #Vampirepub, Complaining, Keeping in-Shape, Practicing the Bass...

How Malachite Percieves Himself: Quiet, Reserved, Extremely Moody, Severely Sarcastic with the People He is Most Comfortable With, Procrastinating, Polite, Generous, Unsocial, Regretfully Cruel, Strong-Willed, Weak-Minded, Unexpressively Emotional, Independent, Confused, Seemingly Uptight yet Very Easygoing, Respectful to Everybody(inc. enemies), Free-Thinking..
(by free-thinking, I mean: of my own thoughts.. not everybody else's who thinks freely..)

Hangouts: Bedroom, Cemetery, Reservoir...usually alone..

Most Passionate Hate: Ignorance

Most Sought After Goals: a) Inner Harmony.. b) To Be Respected as A Person and Nothing More.. c) To Be Left Alone..

Independent Studies: Philosophy, Religion, Metaphysics, The Occult, Astrology, Speculation, Various Historical Periods, Romanticism, Psychology and Personalities..

Biggest Fear: To Get a Paper Cut on the Eye

Neat Things To Know About Malachite:
He will, occasionally, stare at random people for extended periods of time without even realizing it. Surprisingly enough, it seems to bother most of these people.. alot!
He can't wear rings, due to his extra finger skin.
He can't smile.. He can only grin and smirk.. Due to poor facial muscular shape
The few facial expressions he displays seem to amuse people::shrug::
He has an inherent fascination with cheese..
He cannot express his emotions in any way other than through words, and rarely does he speak..

I did some scrounging for pictures and finally produced some.. many of which are amusing.. Just let these hold you over for a while until I get my two new sets of photos in.. or until I decide to scan some more..

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