Preparing Crystals for Magickal Use

Dedication - Upon receiving a "new" crystal, a dedication is always recommended. This may be accomplished by holding the crystal while consciously "willing" that the crystal be used only in love, in light, and for good of all.

Cleansing - Here are a few methods for crystal cleansing.

* Take the crystal to the sea, cleanse in sea water (allowing the water to "wash" over it), and energize in the sun.

* Smudge the crystal (with sweetgrass, cedar, sage, incense, etc.). This method has been used for centuries by Native Americans and Native African tribal cultures.

* Soak the crystal in sea salt for 7-24 hours, rinse with pure water, and energize in the sun.

* Soak the crystal in saltwater for a duration of from one to seven days; this method uses approximately three tablespoons of salt to a cup of water (water must cover stones) in a glass container with the water and crystals in a location which will receive sunlight.

* Soak the crystals in brown rice for twenty-four hours; the rice balances and centers the energy, removing the negativity, while dissipating and transforming the negative to the positive. (Upon completion of the "soak" the rice is purified and energized and is quite wonderful to eat).

Awakening - Crystals can be awakened by:

* Impacting the crystal upon the energized sand of the ocean beaches and/or sand dunes.

* Sounding a meditative gong in proximity to the crystal (this method stimulates the activation of the resonance of the crystal).

* Gently sounding Tibetan prayer bells (or other bells) in proximity to the crystal (this method aligns the energy of the crystal structure so that it can be efficiently directed).

Charging -

* Place the crystal on a large crystal cluster.

* Place the crystal in the center of a circle, where the circle is comprised of other crystals whose terminations are pointing toward the center.

* Place the crystal in sunlight and/or in the light of the moon; the days related to the summer and winter solstice. the vernal equinox, the autumnal equinox, the full moon, and the new moon are more heavily charged.

Pre-Programming - Prior to any specialized crystal programming, the following pre-programming is recommended:

* Program the crystal to receive Divine will so that the results will reflect actualization for the good of all.

* Program the crystal for protection in the light.

Programming - Programming is the process of instructing the energies of the crystal in the method in which to use its qualities of transformation, stability, and attunement. Precise directions are required, or the response will be less than that which is intended.

The act of holding the crystal and intending to use it for a specific purpose is the simplest form of programming.

Another method, primarily relevent to the programming of thoughts, and universal energies which are inherent to the mineralogic formation, involves the following:

* Formulate a precise phrase which accurately describes the nature of the programming (i.e., other worldly communication, harmony, balance, love, special healing or protection for someone, etc.)

* Hold the crystal in the left hand (if left-handed hold the crystal in the right hand), relax for several minutes, initiate circular breathing, and center the consciousness. Consciously align the personal conscious awareness with the higher-self and/or other appropriate other-worldly beings.

* Ask for guidance, protection, and assistance in the programming process. Open the center of consciousness and allow receptivity to flow through to the inner being.

* Repeat the formulated phrase 20-30 times in succession while visualizing and feeling the desired effect of the program. (Be open to higher assistance during this process). As the phrase is repeated, and energy field will build and culminate in the energy pattern necessary to represent the desired program.

* While maintaining full awareness of the energy field, bring total awareness and consciousness to the area of the third-eye or the heart chakra. Place the crystal in front of the area of the third-eye or heart chakra and allow the self to feel the connection with it.

* Direct the energy field into the crystal for 30-60 seconds and allow the program to be transferred to within the crystal. Intuitive recognition will signal when the transmittal is complete.

* Detach consciousness from the crystal and allow the universal energies to act.

SOURCE: "Love is in the Earth: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals" - by Melody

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