As you can see, I haven't updated this page in a long time because i've been extremely busy and haven't been able to keep up with this page. I'm looking for someone who'd like to help me maintain this page. You must have knowledge of web page making (html, java, etc.) and if you're interested please email me at I've worked very hard on this page for over two years and I don't want it to go to waste so i need your help. Thanks.

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This page last updated: Sept. 12, 1999

You are visitor #since October 19, 1997

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Important Stuff!!

Vote for my page please!! My site to vote for is #48 on the list. Thanks!!

I just added a What's New page to let ya know what has been added, changed, or updated.

I have almost finished my new silverchair pic page. I have collected my fave pics from the internet and other sources and it will be up and running soon. I have also started to work on a multimedia page

If you have recently been to a silverchair concert or one in the past, please don't hesitate to send me your reports to be posted on this page. I'm kinda lacking in recent reports....all the reports are from 1997 shows as you'll see on the Road Reports page.

(Click on the picture to get info on the new album)

News| Tour Info| Road Reports| Fan Club Info| Links| Trade?| Tabs& Lyrics (| Thanks| Pics | The Band| What's New| Awards

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