No Regrets

written by Mackenzie

Chapter 14

AJ woke up as he felt Mackenzie slide on top of him. "Mmmmmm, good morning," he said sleepily. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her deeply. He always had a hard on in the mornings and he was pleased that Mack had taken the initiative.

"Morning," Mack said hurriedly, trying to move off of him. Alex wrapped his hands around her upper arms and undulated his hips against her, letting her feel how much he wanted her. "AJ, let go," she said, pulling away from him.

"What?" he asked, as he released her and raised up on his elbows. He realized then that she had already put her clothes on. "I've got to go to the bathroom," she told him.

"Better hope Nick hasn't been in there," he laughed. "And hurry back," he told her huskily as she slid out of the bunk. And ran straight into Kevin. She felt her face turn beet red as she met his eyes.

"Morning," he said. "Bone awake?" Mackenzie nodded as she ducked her head and ran to the bathroom. Kevin smacked his hand repeatedly against the frame of AJ's bunk. "Get your ass out of there, man. I want to talk to you!" he yelled.

"What?" AJ said as he climbed out of his bunk, completely unconcerned with his nakedness. He sat down on the lower bunk and pulled on his boxers from the night before.

"Have a little consideration for the rest of us, Bone. We all ride this bus," Kevin lectured. "You kept us awake half the night." AJ grinned.

"Oh, lighten up Kev," he told him. "It's not like we all haven't had to listen to you getting your rocks off before." He laughed. "You're just jealous because I actually had a woman with me."

"AJ," Kevin said threateningly. He stopped as they both turned to look at the bathroom door. They could hear Mackenzie inside puking "Oh, geez," AJ said. "Nick must have beat her to the bathroom this morning."

"Oh, man," Kevin said sympathetically. "That's rough."

* * * * * * * * *

AJ fidgeted in his seat as he waited impatiently for the fan conference to end. Ordinarily he loved meeting the fans but tonight he just wanted to get back to the hotel room with Mackenzie. Before the conference had begun, she had confided to him that she wasn't wearing any panties and that had been all he'd been able to think about the past hour. He looked over at her standing against the wall, talking with Brendan and undressed her with his eyes, imagining all the things he'd do to her once they were alone. He felt his erection grow even larger and he shifted in his seat, happily bothered. As Mackenzie looked over at him, he caught her eye and gave her a slow, wicked smile. She gave him an amused look in response and pointed to the fans. AJ turned his attention back to the conference to find everybody staring at him.

Apparently the girl at the microphone had been trying without success to get his attention. AJ blushed and several of the audience members laughed. Kevin rolled his eyes. Nick snickered, and Howie covered his face with his hands, trying not to laugh. Brian let out a long, loud wolf howl. AJ shrugged and threw his hands in the air. "I can't help it," he laughed. "I love her!" he told them.

Mackenzie's heart swelled at his words. These last six weeks with AJ had been the happiest time of her life. He kept her by his side whenever he could. And he proudly introduced her to the fans and media alike as "his lady." The first time Alex had pointed her out and introduced her at a fan conference in response to the inevitable girlfriend question, she had been extremely nervous. She knew Brian's girlfriend, Bev, had had to put up with a lot of crap from some of the younger fans, especially when she and Brian had announced their engagement. But except for a few dirty looks and snide remarks, most of the fans had either been really nice or ignored her altogether.

While Alex was on stage, Mackenzie would watch from the pit. When the show was over he would run off stage, grab her hand and pull her out of the arena with him. He rarely went clubbing after a concert anymore, preferring to expend his excess energy in more creative ways. Some nights they just spent quietly in the hotel room, watching TV and enjoying each other's company. Other nights AJ would arrange for a limo just for the two of them after the concert. They would have the chauffeur drive them around the city while they made love. Mackenzie didn't want it to ever end. He made her so happy. And on top of that, her stomach had finally stopped rebelling against all the fast food she fed it. She no longer threw up every morning and Alex had finally quit nagging her to see a doctor. She was still sleepy a lot during the day, but considering how little sleep she was getting at night, she thought it was a good trade-off.

As soon as the conference was over, AJ grabbed Mackenzie's hand and they ran from the room, not bothering to wait for the others or security. They made it as far as a storage closet. AJ pulled her inside and pressed her back against the door with his body. "I can't wait any longer," he whispered huskily, kissing her passionately.

"Me either." she told him as she unfastened his pants and pushed them off his hips. He pulled her skirt up and took her against the door, hard and fast. But she was ready for him and welcomed him eagerly. When she came, she muffled her cries against his shoulder. AJ felt no such compunction, however, and expressed his satisfaction loudly.

After a few moments, Alex kissed her tenderly said, "Now, do you think you can wait until we get to the room or are you planning on dragging me into another closet before we get there?" Mackenzie looked up at him in surprise. "Me?" she said in mock indignation. "I'm the one that was just attacked in a . . . .," she looked around at their surroundings, "a maintenance room!" AJ laughed as he pulled her skirt back into place and fastened his pants. When he opened the door, Mack wanted to die from embarrassment. Marcus, Alex's bodyguard, stood just outside the door, keeping several curious fans at bay. AJ laughed and waved at the fans before hi-fiving Marcus. Marcus always had his back and AJ would definitely make sure there was something extra in the man's paycheck this week.

The phone was ringing as they entered their room. Mackenzie headed for the bathroom leaving Alex to answer the phone. When she came out a few minutes later, he was sitting on the edge of the bed, his face in his hands. "Alex," Mackenzie said apprehensively, "What is it?" She knelt down on the floor in front of him and pulled his hands into hers. He looked up at her as a tear ran down his face.

"Marissa's pregnant."

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