No Regrets

written by Mackenzie

Chapter 1

Alex waved at the security guard as he entered the parking lot and pulled his gray Ford Expedition into the spot next to his mom's Mercedes. He had come down to the office at her suggestion. She'd probably known he was bouncing off the walls at home. He always got that way after being off tour for a while. He loved coming home to Orlando, but after a few weeks he was impatient to get back on stage. Oh, there were always interviews and television appearances to do and he and the guys had done some writing and recording during this break as well. It was nothing, however, compared to the rush he experienced when he stepped on stage in front of 30,000 screaming fans. Another month, though, and the band would be starting the next leg of their world tour.

As he got out of his vehicle, Alex heard several female voices calling his name. He grinned and waved, walking up to the gate to talk to the girls. He loved this part of his job, meeting the fans. He'd never understand why they screamed and shook around him, but he truly appreciated all their support for the group's music. And that's why he never minded signing autographs or spending a few minutes of his time trying to give back a small portion of all they had given him. After about fifteen minutes, Alex laughingly told the girls he had to go meet his mom or else she might ground him. Several of the teenagers declared their love for him and he thanked them sincerely before turning and walking into the building.

The receptionist was away from her desk when Alex walked into the lobby so he entered the main office unannounced. His mom's office was at the far end of the hall and as he passed the mailroom and various workstations, he waved and spoke to several of the employees. He was always amazed at the number of people the group had to hire just to sort and open all of their fan mail.

As he passed one office, he stopped and backed up. He ducked his head and looked over the top of his sunglasses at the pert, round bottom waving in his direction. He smiled in appreciation of the woman bent over the computer printer. Her hair was a bleached blond and she wore a pale yellow sweater dress that delineated her shape nicely.

"Oh, Maggie," she said, "Can you hand me that letter opener on the desk?" The woman held her hand out expectantly without looking around. AJ glanced over at the desk and spotted the requested letter opener. He picked it up and placed it in her outstretched palm. "Thanks," she said. "I hate when this happens. That's twice this morning this thing has jammed up on me."

"Maybe you should have the boss buy you a new one," Alex replied huskily.

Startled, the woman swung around to face the owner of that raspy voice. Her eyes widened and she stared silently for a moment before she spoke. "Hello, Alex."

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