These songs are in MP3 format. You must have an MP3 player to listen to them. They are also zipped so you will need a program to unzip them.

1. Tearing Everyone Down
2. Captain Anarchy
3. A New Kind Of Army
4. That's Youth
5. No Apology
6. Got The Numbers
7. No Difference
8. I Don't Believe
9. Right On
10. What You Don't Know
11. Free Nation
12. Outbreak
13. The Consumer's Song
14. Police Story
15. This Is NOT A Crass Song

These songs are in Real Audio. You must have Real Audio to listen to these sounds.

1. I Can't Stand Being With You
2. Thier System Doesn't Work For You
3. We've Got His Gun
4. Born To Die
7. Indie Sux, Hardline Sux, Emo Sux, You Suck!
8. Anti-Violent
9. 20 Years Of Hell
10. I'm Having A Good Day

1. You'd Do The Same
2. Die For The Government
3. Drink Drank Punk
4. Rotten Future
5. Safe Tonight
6. Red, White and Brainwashed
7. Davey Destroyed The Punk Scene
8. Summer Squatter Go Home
9. She's My Little GoGo Dancer
10. Police State In The USA
11. Punk By The Book
12. F*** Police Brutality
13. I'm Being Watched By The CIA
14. Kill The Rich
15. No More Dead
16. Confused Youth
17. Your Daddy Was a Rich Man, Your Daddy's F***ing Dead