Pictures-Concert Reviews-About Me
Where: St. Paul, MN
When:  June 17th, 2001, Sunday (also a national holiday: Father's Day)
Venue: Roy Wilkins Auditorium
Who played (in order): Living End and Green Day
Time: Started around 8:00pm and ended around 10:30pm.
Tour name: Warning Tour
Living End song list (not in order):
1. Roll On
2. Dirty Men
I don't know the rest, because I didn't own any albums by them at the time.
Green Day song list (not in order):
1. Nice Guys Finish Last (this is the 1st song they sang. I'm lost on the rest of the order).
2. 2000 Light Years Away
3. Longview
4. Welcome to Paradise
5. Basket Case
6. She
7. Hitching a Ride
8. Church on Sunday
9. Castaway
10. Waiting
11. Geek Stink Breath
12. Brain Stew
13. Jaded
14. Knowledge (audience cover)
15. When I Come Around
16. Platypus (I Hate You)
17. King for a Day
18. Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)
19. Warning
20. Minority
21. Macy's Day Parade (I know this was the last song they sang).

Review:  Damn was it fun as fuck! I'm still in the process of writing it up....

Where: Minneapolis, MN
When: August 18th, 1998, Tuesday
Venue: Quest Club
Who played (in order): Wade, Home Grown, MxPx, and Blink 182.
Time: started at 5:oopm and ended around 9:30pm.
Tour name: The Poo Poo Pee Pee Tour (I'm not joking either).
Blink 182 song list (not in order):
1. Pathetic (this is the 1st song that they sang. I'm lost on the rest).
2. Dammit
3. Enthused
4. Dick Lips
5. Apple Shampoo
6. Mark sang a song about hippie folks ( I don't know)
7. M&M's
8. Carousel
9. Josie
10. either Toast and Bananas or Romeo and Rebecca
11. Mark sang a part of "I'm Just a Girl" by No Doubt, without  any music.
12. Tom sang a song that the entire song was about 30 sec. and only swearing in the lyrics.
13. Wendy Clear, it is unreleased , but it is a very good song.
14. Untitled (I know this was the last song that they sang).
Review: When I was waiting to get inside the club (we were standing outside), someone who was ridding their bike crashed into a van and broke the back window. Then in front of over 1,000 people he turned around and road away. Then the people working at the club anounced that they were giving away free beer inside!!!! They said everyone who was 21 or older to raise there hand, and then asked if anyone wanted to pretend that they were 21. Of course  a ton of people raised their hand for the second one. There was this swedish band called Wade, who were apparently obsessed with masturbation. They related snowboarding with masturbation, how I don't know, but they way they said it actually made sence. No one moshed or anything during there set, only yelled "Fuck off, get off the stage!" ect.. Well, then Home Grown came in (it was my first time seeing them live), and they were very good. Now some people moshed. And they said that , "Wade is a bunch of horny swedish guys." Then they sang that really annoying song "Barbie Girl" in dedication to Wade and attempted to sing apart of the chores in a girlish voice. It turned out to be very humorous. And in the middle of their set our dear friend Mark Hoppus came in and whispered something in the guitarist (it was either John or Ian. I didn't know who they were at the time), then left. When MxPx came on, the crowd went nuts. There set was the longest. At one one point they said that they were going to sing their last song, and 5 songs latter they still were not done. I mean they kicked ass but, their set was really long. A lot of people got fed up and started yelling at them to get off the stage. When they left, about half-an hour wait, then Blink 182 came on, and that's when all hell broke lose. Mark was the first person to walk on stage. He stood their smoking (I think the went through 3 cigarettes the whole set, which was about 45min) and said Minneapolis wrong (on purpose) so it sounded like some strange foreign word. It was pretty funny. Then the other 2 came on stage. Later on in the concert, Mark, really fast, said this base ball play in one breath. And damn was it long! Of course we all cheered him when he was done and he was also out of breath at the end too.   I was apparently on the worst side of the room, on the right side in the middle, that's were all the moshing  took place it seemed like. And I really didn't feel good. Like during the second song I couldn't see the band, because I was being crushed against people and everyone around me was taller, so I trusted on the small monitors they had hanging around the room. This was not that great because during the set (begining-ish) I fell on the floor and stayed there for about 5min., on my ass with my knees bent and my hands wrapped around them, until some wonderful guys saw me and pulled me up!! I would like to thank them very very very much!!!! I then started to hang around where the bouncers were in the crowd. Ouch. Bad idea. I was being bashed against by guys twice as tall and weighed twice as much as I did. That experience was not fun. Then some how with still half of the set left, I amazingly managed to get to the other side and in the second row away from the stage. So generally speaking, I got to spend the last half of the concert in the second row of people being mashed up against the guy in front of me.  I tried to get to the first row, but I only had enough room to put my hand on the bar (which is what I did with the remainder of the time) between this guy to my right and a girl to my left.  And that's were Mark was standing.  Now there jokes were really dumb (which I can't really complain about because they warned everyone when they came on that they had stupid jokes and for us to force ourselves to laugh at them) . And I still feel pretty guilty about yawning near the end of their set (at least Mark didn't see me, even though I was practically right in front of him). You could also see Mark's wonderful boxers too. I also realized that he had his nipple pierced. Tom put some girl's underwear on top of his head (he was wearing a hat, by the way), and Mark tried to put a bra on, but he couldn't get it fastened because it was too small, but the one that Tom had fit just fine and he fastened it too. Then Mark gave the best friend speech to Tom. And Mark sang this cover of  No Doubt's song "I'm Just Girl" alone playing bass. I couldn't tell what Travis was doing, but Tom just looked at Mark like Mark was just a crazy son of a bitch. It was pretty funny! Mark also sang this fucked up song about hippie people (don't ask, I don't remember it). At the end of the concert, when they left, everyone was yelling "Blink" over and over again. But they never came back for an encore, so that was it.  Travis, is just a quite person. He's a lot like Scott. Lets see, oh yeah! Mark doesn't have purple hair any more. It's sort of a light brown. And Tom dyed his hair black again. I hung around and ended up collecting about $7 bucks of cash that was on the floor as I was leaving the club (I could have gotten a ton of more money, but the guys who where working at the club and the few concert fans still on the floor were looking at me, so I stopped).  And that's about it.