Green Day and Blink 182 quotes!
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Billie Joe
- We don't want to be cocky and go into these big arenas and have nobody
show up, or maybe have it only half-filled.
- We're always up to prove ourselves.
- Insomniac was so important, just because we created a foundation for ourselves
to be able to branch out.
- And that's part of the process of writing songs, to figure out life and how
to live it.
- If you need a mop, you go to Target, just like everybody else.
- If you act like a fuckin' dork, people are gonna treat you like a dork.
- I hate celebrities.
- So I think the success of bands like Blink 182 and Offspring helps us in
the long run.
- That's the reason I play punk rock, I don't need or want all the other
outside bullshit.
- Lyrically, I think this album is groundbreaking for me. *on album Warning*
- Reggae carries no pessimism.
- Operation Ivy is the only ultimate ska-punk band out there.
- Punk is not just the sound, the music, punk is a lifestyle.
- We're just as much punk as we used to be.
- When we started out, punk was probably the most unpopular music around.
- Punk will never be dead to me.
- If we trash other bands, it only makes us look lame.
- Woodstock... To tell you the truth it was the closest thing to total chaos I've ever seen in my life. The audience took over everything.
- They have bad taste. I am NOT a good looking guy.
- Yeah fuck me! I wish you could all fuck me!!
- Never run in the rain with your socks on .
- There's nothing wrong with being a loser, it just depends on how good you are at it.
- Apathy rules, fuck everyone!
- Punk rock's dead, and I fucking killed it!
- I never thought being obnoxious would get me where I am now.
- Throw mud at each other.. see how many stupid things you can do to each other all at one time.
- You my friend, will never be a winner.
- I wasn't the kind of kid that was beaten up or anything in high school. I think I was more invisible. I didn't really exist.
- Susan Luchie, eat your heart out.
-  Besides, I always thought anger was a lot more interesting than feeling good about yourself.
- Everybody gets sick of life. It's human nature.
- The beauty of the punk thing is that everyone has their own interpretation- like the Bible.
- I'm not gonna say anything inspirational; I'm just gonna fucking swear a lot.
- Mistakes are a big part of our sound.
- I wanna see random acts of teen sex everywhere!
- When was the last time you saw someone drink an entire bottle of ice tea?
- We're going to change our name to the Susan Luchie Band.
- Don't mow another man's lawn!

- To sum up Tom in one word would be: feminine.
- All we wanted to do was to headline Soma.
- I was always a loner.
- So, yeah, travelling sucks.
- I don't feel like I'm a stable person at all.
- My idea of total misery is sitting in traffic.
- Yes, I've cried at sad movies.
- My mom hates the title, she told me the other day, 'Your grandmother keeps asking what the title of the new record is, but I won't tell her.' *about Enema of the State*
- It's all happy, sing along love songs. *about the new record*
- None of us really surf that much; surfing is really hard. You have to spend a lot of time in the water and there's no other sport in the world that actually has monsters that want to eat you while you're doing it.
- The recent history of San Diego music came from the grunge movement.
- A lot of the punk-rock scene is usually against people associating themselves with products.
- Blink fan: If you look in a crowd and there's one person just getting the shit beat out of them, it's probably the Blink fan.
- Skater kids don't take themselves seriously, because they've mostly been pigeonholed as losers.
- I totally masturbate! And I jack off! Whooooooo!
- I think age is a stupid number.
- I can't speak for any other bands, but I don't like anger, I don't like aggression. I hate music that's all about that.
- The whole punk-rock elitism thing has gone away, and now people are more accepting of music as music; instead of as status.
- I came from punk rock, but who knows if I'm punk.
- I'll be the first to admit I'm not an accomplished bass player.
- I know I've got a disgusting body, but I think it's funny, so I'm gonna make people laugh at it.
- If you ever end up there, you really pissed off God. *about Ridgecrest, CA*
- I think there's nothing more awkward or stupid looking than a naked guy.
- We're like, Fisher-Price: My First Punk Band.
-  I was very direction less and stupid. *on his earlier years*
- I like boats.
- It would suck to go to your grave wondering what you could have done with your band if you didn't try.
- Make yourself do something stupid, so when you really do something stupid you won't feel so bad.
- Never let anyone tell you how to live your life.
- If at first you don't succeed, pay someone to do it.
- Screw the people that don't understand.
- I don't like the taste of beer and ice cream gives me diarrhea.
- Disney movies are fuckin' bitchin'.
- I have no idea why people like our band. Maybe bad taste is in.
- If we tried to write about politics, you'd realize that we're all a bunch of idiots.
- And anyone that calls me a sell-out is just jealous.
-Our biggest hit had a video where we made fun of boy bands. Why we would then be lumped into that is beyond me.
-The only thing that scares me about cocaine is death.
-My old band [Of All Things] was just about to start playing, and right then the acid hit me. I threw my bass down and ran like five miles into the desert. *on his first acid trip*
-We're not straight edge; we just don't talk about it. *on trying drugs*
-Farts and poop are still funny and will always be funny.
-Yes. she does. You can tell. *on Brittany Spears and if she has fake boobs*
-The thing that makes me happiest in the world is hanging out with my friends.

- Sublime really annoys me, well the singer does. It's ok to party,
it's ok to take drugs and have fun but don't die! Don't die! Party and go on but don't die! That's the rule. He died. We all party, but we don't die.
- Punk is no longer a four-letter word. It's a three-letter word now.
- All my religious beliefs are based on Star Wars.
- Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.
- Green Day is like sex, when were good, were really good, when were bad...
were still pretty damn good.
- Leave me alone. I'm just the bass player.
- You ain't never gonna get satisfied, and once you're there, you'll be unsatisfied.
- Musicians make music, technicians make techno.
- If you haven't travelled all over the United States or anything, you don't have
to because I did it for you. And it all looks like a hockey arena.
- I can't figure out how to get on it. *on Napster*
- We're validating our insanity.
- I think we get hurt less than most people, if they lived like us.
I kind of look at it as a percentage of how much stupid stuff we actually do.
- It's too hard to mime and do the dance moves at the same time. *on bands
that lip-sync during concerts*
- Selling out is compromising your musical intentions, and we
don't know how to do that.
- If you can say the word dookie you can keep in touch with the child within.
- If Canadians could vote in the states, maybe we wouldn't have
such a fucking stupid president.
- If my kid didn't rebel, she wouldn't be my kid.
- I started playing bass for the same reason everyone else does- I'm
a lousy guitarist.
- It'll sound pretty cocky, but I'm already in my favourite band.
- We're not gazillionaires, but we're pretty damn close!
- If you can make yourself a happy person, then you're giving to the world.
- Don't blame me for the explosion of punk rock. I didn't know our
music was going to get that big.
- Then all of a sudden we got introduced to punk music and it  was the coolest fucking thing!
- A lot of shows on that tour had to be cancelled because the crowds got too big. *1994 tour*
- We grew up in Berkeley, which is the fucking methampheamine capital of California.
- I'll always remember 1994 as the year that... ate shit.
- We personally believe that dogs are going to take over the world. And when they do, they're gonna hit everyone with shit.
- I told Billie, let's just take it as far as we can. Eventually we'll lose all the money and everything else, anyway. Let's just make sure we have one great big story at the end. I think we will. In a lot of ways we already do.
- Your just mad cuz you're in the rain, well fuck you! I hope it rains so much you get stuck!
- If you're wondering why I'm not wearing shoes.. it's cuz one fell out of the van yesterday.. I'm not a fucking hippy!
- I was one of those kids who'd walk around the neighbourhood and talk to the adults and learn a lot. I'm good with people.
- Go in your older brother's closet and learn something, man.
- I wanna see everyone. And everyone, and everyone.

- I can't live without Mexican food.
- I spy on my dad when he's taking a shower just like everybody else.
- Punk has nothing to do with what label you're on.
- All the selling out talk is really overrated, the funny thing is it hardly ever
comes from bands, it comes from some kid who thinks they're so punk
because they have a purple mohawk.
- People always throw things at us.
- Right now people think I'm ugly, but in 150 years they might think I'm handsome.
- I applaud anyone who thinks I'm good-looking and invite them into my world.
- I call everyone stinky butt.
- Anybody that is going to hear the record is going to think, 'The songs totally suck, but the production is so amazing, I'm going to go buy the record.' *on Enema of the State*
- Right after Seattle all eyes went to San Diego.
- As long as we helped you discover that the world is a beautiful place.
- I think we need therapy.
- I think it's so incredible that there are all these boy bands out there, like the Backstreet Boys and N'sync. They're all so bad! It hurts me, I've cried!
- And they choreograph everything, including the sex they have with each other after the shows! *about boy bands*
- I don't think that listening to the Beastie Boys is embarrassing because I think they are a really great band.
-The only reason in the world that I bought a computer was to look up UFO sites.
- It's all on this giant fiberoptic system tied into the Pentagon and they are monitoring everything we do and we're all gonna die.
- We write about relationships, and just growing up though high school, that kind of stuff.
- Success is strange.
- When you go from selling no records to selling lots of them, you have to wonder-did your mom buy them all? Are they just sitting in your garage?
- It's a travelling punk rock barbecue. *about Warped Tour*
- I hated, hated, hated my job. You know those people who hate there job? That was me.
- We were bored and we couldn't get chicks. So we decided if we'd be in a band, that would take care of two problems at once.
- I might be a dork, but I don't want to be a jerk.
- There are far too many people out there who take themselves too seriously.
- All in the name of science of course!
- We don't want to grow up, we never want to grow up!
- We're just really lucky. We're not better than anybody else.
- Please don't throw your dirty toilet paper, I'm not hungry.
- And we don't stay up all night driving, now we stay up all night drinking.
- I just want to make a UFO movie.
- These days, if we're not sleeping, we're trying to get food or we're watching TV.
- We pull off looking stupid very well. We can do that without even trying.
- I am such a freak.
-I used to drink a lot of beer, but I was just getting fat as can be.
-We don't want to be Green Day!
-The worst thing in the world is shit, and shit comes out of the butt.
-There's too many rad things to stick in your butt besides a living animal.

- I don't have to tell you that.
- It's, like, an ok tour bus and all, but people see bookmobile
on the side and come up and ask if we have any book to sell.
I mean how stupid is that.. books? We don't even read.
- It's a good song, toot toot, fuck you. Robert Smith eat our dust.
- We don't like superstars and rock idols.
- Prosthetic head is better than no head in the morning.
- When I die, they'll bury me in an Anvil case-- with wheels.
- We miss heavy metal.
- When was the last time you saw someone go off stage to snort cocaine
in the middle of there neck?
- Mike, the craziest son-of-a-bitch that ever walked the planet.
- People think that we're just these good-looking guys with these really
big dicks that play really hot fucking rock and roll. But we're sensitive,
and we have feelings too.

- I'm the guy on tour who will do his own thing.
- I'm easily irritated.
- Misery is flying in an airplane.
- I've never made it a point to be different from everyone else.
- She was super horny. *about Janine*
- Well, most of the shows we play are the Warped tour, but in our free time, pretty much everyone skateboards.
- I listen to everything from jazz to reggae to heavy metal and I kind of combine everything to make something different.
- I think they're super funny, but you would never hear me talking like them. *on Tom and Mark*
- Seeing the Police and not being able to be the drummer. *most heartbreaking concert experience*