Robb's Original Compositions

All of these are Copyrighted, so don't bother trying.

Okay, you didn't ask for it, but you are gonna get it anyway!

I've been playing guitar for about 7 years now and although I've pretty much achieved as much as I can as a guitarist, I'm still working on increasing my composing skills. Here are some of the songs which I've come up with thus far in midi format.

In 1990 I was just beginning to take an interest in music, and while I was in Germany, I met a man named Jurgen Winter who was the drummer for a local (Obernzenn Germany) band called "McQueen." We started goofing around with a simple melody and the end result was So Alone, which echoes sounds similar in feel to some older Pink Floyd stuff.

The Year was 1991, and I was taking audio/video production in college. I met up with Brian Farrell there, and we got together and started a band up called "Code Blue" and wrote a few songs toegether. I've finally sat down and transcribed Without You. The Band recently got back together and although I'm no longer with them as a vocalist, I still hang out with the guys from time to time. Excuse the solo, since Brian is the king of the "slightly off time on purpose" solos.

In 1993 I began with a simple motif, and after a few years of fiddling with it from time to time, it's still not complete, but if you want to hear what I've got so far, then be my guest. Midnight Rendezvous or Concerto in B-minor is still in the formative stages, but like I said... it's copyrighted none the less. :)

In 1997, I was living in Las Vegas, Nevada and decided one day to sit down and write a song. Oddly enough, this is one of the few times in which I was able to do just that. Forever is what was the result, and it's not too shabby if I may be so bold as to critique my own work. Anyway, if you have the ability to view the vocal track with lyrics shown, they're in there.

In July of 1998 I took a job with American Computer Solutions, a division of American Computer Repair, Inc. They put me on a project working for the North American rollout of Lotus Notes for Procter & Gamble. I couldn't pass it up given the presence of P&G in the Cincinnati area (P&G's global headquarters) as it can be a major item on a resume. I've been working for ACS since then, and it has had a massive impact on my time to work on anything musical, but I've still got a few ideas floating around upstairs.

In January of 1999, I decided it was time I put my skills to the test by pushing for the complete MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) Certification by March 30, 1999. That didn't happen because I took a job as a technical instructor for Micro Center Education which took all of my time and I didn't have much time for studying.

Since this page was last updated, I have left my position at Micro Center Education and have started working as a systems administrator for Reach USA, the largest direct marketing publisher in the US. The time spent at MCE was not totally wasted though. They hired in a man named Jeff Goins as a graphics and web development software trainer, and he turned out to be a very skilled musician. He and I have joined forces and I am now producing and engineering an album for his band: "VDQ" a.k.a. The Vic Daniels Quartet. You can check out thier stuff at thier website at

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