Full Name: Nicholas Gene Carter
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Height: "5.11" ( 1,80 m)
Weight: 162 lbs. (72,5 kg)
Shoe size: 11
Nicknames: Nicky (but much prefers Nick), Hyperman, Chaos
Birthplace: Jamestown, NY
Birthday: January 28th, 1980
Star sign: Aquarius
Marital status: single
Family status: his parents Jane and Bob, 1 brother Aaron, and 3 sisters, BJ, Leslie and Angel. He's the oldest of 5 kids.
Pets: a Golden Retriever Simba, and 3 cats, Bandit, Muffy and Blue Boy.
Fave color: Green
Fave food: pizza, McDonald's
Fave sports: Basket-ball, boating, fishing, drawing, collecting football cards, playing video games
Greatest fear: The dark
Instrument: Drums
Fave music: Journey, Nirvana, Jodeci, Oasis, Shai and Michael Jackson
Fave movie: Aliens
Fave actress: Christina Ricki, Sigourney Weaver
Fave actor: Bruce Willis
Fave TV Shows: X-Files, Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air, Beavis & Butt-Head, Mad About You
Fave cologne: Gravity
Least fave school subject: algebra
Biggest indulgence: When Nick goes shopping he loves to buy sneakers and gold jewelry
Odd fact: Nick is a licensees scuba diver
What he looks for in a girl: Nick says he's often attracted to girls with brown hair, but adds:" It doesn't really matter to me as long as they have a good personality and they're really nice".
He's mostly likely to: draw your picture. Nick's rarely seen without a pencil in his hand
First jobs: the lead in his 4th grade production of Phantom Of The Opera. Nick also appeared in commercials for the Florida State Lottery and The Money Store and was the featured vocalist for the Tampa Bay Buccaneer's pre-game show for 2 years.

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