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Vivian's Skunk Anansie Page

S.A. in S.A. - South Africa

    Skunk Anansie was recently in South Africa doin the stuff they do best - rocking. Halcyon Intertainment recieved permission to film the live performance in Johannesburg and an interview the skunkz. There is an on demand webcast of the footage at http://www.intertainment.co.za. So go check it out and relive the SA in SA experience (or see it again for the first time *lol)

    Thanx goes out to Whaley for settin up a skunk mailin list... receive mail and send other messages to and from other skunk fans, including sa pages creators ~ yoda/walt, whaley, and me, viv... to subscribe, send a mail to majordomo@therapy.xs4all.nl with subscribe skunk in the body. After that, you can send mails to skunk@therapy.xs4all.nl which will reach all subscribers!! Enjoy... and again, thanks whaley! *lol (further questions should be sent to whaley@xs4all.nl)


    NOVEMBER 29TH, 1997, MuchMusic finally aired the MTV Europe awards in which Skunk Anansie performed Hedonism. I didn't get a chance to record the show cos I was sick on the Thursday/Friday it aired and I was lying on the couch in pain when it came on (I wass swearing and yelling at my bro cos I shoulda taped it *LOL) ...so anyways, I'm gonna try to catch it again when Much replays it, I'm not sure when...I just checked the listings and couldn't find it, so for those interested, check in on your Much station everyone once in a while this week and try to catch SA at the MTV awards :P. Also, for those who missed it the first time around, the 1997 Brit Awards (which I have pics up from in my pic gallery) is going to be reaired on Thursday Dec. 4th on Much at 9:00pm.

    NOVEMBER 2ND, 1997, MuchMusic aired their "3 for 1 festival day pig-out"...it showed clips for six hours from the Phoenix Festival 97, Reading Festival 97, and Les Eurockeennes festival. A Skunk Anansie clip from the Phoenix festival was shown (two and a half hours into the Festival Day programming) and I, of course, sat by my VCR waiting for it to come on. On the clip, SA performed Twisted, and Intellectualize My Blackness. As soon as I can get the digital camera from my dad's work, I'll try takin pics to put in my skunk pic gallery.

    The MuchMusic show, The NewMusic (a music journalism show), replayed episode #13-718, which had a feature on Skunk Anansie. I myself missed it the first time but taped it on Tuesday, August 26th. I will be displaying pics from it and the dialoge (which I have to transcribe) as soon as I can use my dad's work's digital camera...btw...does anyone have any info on Skin's chipped tooth? In the interview, she said that she chipped her front tooth on May 14th, by hitting herself with a mike by accident...any info would be appreciated... :P...latez.

- -Vivian Hui (oh yeah, to answer your question, yes,
I'm chinese, born and raised in Toronto, Canada.)


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© Vivian Hui

Chock full o' fun and skunk, this was Vivian's SA Page
All SA things (logos, tunes, etc.) are property of, uhh...SA (?) and I guess One Little Indian
For more about me, visit my personal homepage at /Tokyo/Flats/3266.
Last update ... March 5 98