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Discography - Appearances in Tributes, soundtracks other artists' albums

1985 Sings in duet with Italian jazzy singer Rossana Casale in her album Frammenti performing the song Un piccolo aiuto.
1990 Appears in his vocalist Lisa Hunt's record A Little Piece of Magic
1991 Paul Young and Zucchero record the song Senza Una Donna included also in Young's album FromTime to Time.
1991 Duet with Randy Crawford in Diamante. This song is included in Randy's record Through the Eyes of Love.
1993 Live performances in the Pavarotti & Friends 1 album (recorded in 1992) where he sings Miserere and L'Urlo.
1993 Zucchero performs Imagine live with Randy Crawford in the album TRIBUTE published in France.
1994 Zucchero performs From Now On in the album Adios Amigo: A Tribute to Arthur Alexander.
1995 Zucchero performs Feels like a woman in the film French Kiss O.S.T.
1996 Live performance in the Pavarotti & Friends 3 album (recorded in 1995) where he sings Per Colpa di Chi and Così Celeste.
1996 Live performance in the Pavarotti & Friends 4 album (recorded in 1996) where he sings My Love.
1996 In the Sergio Mendes' tribute album Oceano Zucchero sings Un Oceano di Silenzi.
1996 Zucchero's version of the ABBA The Winners Takes it All is contained in a tribute album released just in South America.
1997 Zucchero performs a special English version of Va Pensiero included in the album Carnival in aid of the Rainforest Foundation.
1997 Duet with Alannah Miles on What are we waiting for, Prince Valiant main theme.
1997 Duet on the notes of Let The Good Times Roll with B.B. King in the album Dueces Wild.
1999 Duet with Tom Jones in his album Reload singing She drives me crazy.
2000 Duet with the German band The Scorpions in their album Moment of Glory: The Scorpions with the Berlin Philarmonic. The song is Send me an angel.

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